School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed or need a more up to date copy of a document, please ask the school office.
- Accessibility Plan 2024-2027.pdf
- Accident Policy.pdf
- Admissions Policy.pdf
- Anti bullying policy.pdf
- Asthma Policy.pdf
- Attendance Policy .pdf
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Behaviour crib sheet Autumn 2024.pdf
- Charging and Remission Policy.pdf
- Dingle Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.pdf
- Communications Policy.pdf
- Confidentiality Policy.pdf
- Drug Education and Drug Related Incidents Policy.pdf
- Dudley's Inclusive Pathways Guidance.pdf
- Education of Children Looked After.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.pdf
- Empty Pockets Policy.pdf
- Equality Plan.pdf
- E-Safety Policy.pdf
- First Aid and Accident and Reporting Policy.pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
- GDPR and Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Gifted and Talented Pupils Policy.pdf
- Health and Hygiene Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- Home to School Transport Policy.pdf
- Lettings Policy.pdf
- Parental Involvement Policy.pdf
- Physical Intervention Policy.pdf
- PSHRE Policy.pdf
- School Complaints Procedure Sept 22.pdf
- Security and Personal Safety Policy.pdf
- SEND Policy.pdf
- Supervision of Volunteers Policy.pdf
- Supply Policy.pdf
- Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions (Incorporating Administration of Medication).pdf
- Wraparound care terms and conditions.pdf