Parent Correspondence
Newsletter 6th September 2024
Here is the first newsletter of the school year. It includes lots of dates for your diaries and important information such as PE days, that begin next week.
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 6th September 2024
Please read the newsletter below which contains some important information for the last few days of term and the start of the new school year.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 16th July 2024
Parents' Evenings
If you would like to discuss your child's report, please use the links below to book a Parents' Evening appointment. Dates are:
Thu 11th July for class S
Thu 18th July for classes D, I, N, L and E
Unfortunately, due to unavoidable circumstances, Mrs Chavez will not be present for Parents' Evening on 18th July. Because of this, class G Parents' Evening has had to be moved to Wed 17th July. Please use the separate link to book an appointment.
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 28th June 2024
Please read the newsletter below which has some important information for parents and pupils in it.
Many thanks
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 28th June 2024
Sports Day: 27th June 2024
I just wanted to share a few reminders and important things about how Sports Day will run this year, many of which are linked to safeguarding.
Classes D, I and N Sports Day is at 9.30. All parents must leave the school site after drop off. The Key Stage 2 gate will then be opened at 9.25.
Classes G, L, E and S Sports Day is at 1.30. The Key Stage 2 gate will the opened at 1.25. At the end of the event the children will be taken inside and then dismissed from their normal doors. Children will only be dismissed to adults you have given permission for. Children walking home alone (years 5 and 6 only) will not be dismissed until 3.10 as normal.
Please ensure children are wearing PE kit and have sunscreen on. Please also ensure they bring their water bottle and a hat.
Seats will be set out for parents on the playground side of the track. Children will be sitting on the other side. It is hugely important that you do not try to cross over to the children.
As always, photos and videos must not be shared in any way without permission of the parents of any children in them.
We look forward to seeing you supporting your children at our Sports Day events.
Gemma Anderson
Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
Newsletter from Mrs Anderson
Please read the newsletter below.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 10th June '24
Newsletter from Mrs Anderson: includes future dates and Summer 2 PE days
Please read the newsletter uploaded below. Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter 23rd May 2024
Dingle Village!
As you will have noticed our wonderful, new outdoor area known as the ‘Dingle Village’ is nearing completion. We are reaching out to you today to ask for donations our outdoor classroom. We have several different areas that need accessories, these include, a sand shed, mud kitchen, chalk wall and a shop. Some of the resources and utensils we need are:
- Dishes, pots and pans,
- Wooden/ metal spoons,
- Measuring equipment,
- Pretend food,
- Containers to store our resources in,
- Baskets,
- Clipboards,
- Chalk
We appreciate any donations and your generosity will make a significant difference.
Please bring any donations to the school office, thank you.
A quick message...
Thank you very much to parents who have attended our family learning sessions, sharing stories in EYFS and year 6's family learning workshop. Your time being taken to find out more about your child's learning and to celebrate their achievement is really appreciated and we look forward to seeing lots of you at our future sessions, dates for which are on the latest newsletter.
On Friday 19th April all children from Reception up to year 6 will be participating in workshops with Teams Theatre, a local theatre group for your people. Please send all children into school in PE kit that day.
Have a lovely weekend!
Gemma Anderson
E Safety
As we all know technology can be a wonderful thing but can also a great danger to children.
I just wanted to remind everyone that we have arranged a parental session with Mark Wilson at 2.45pm on Thu 2nd May and I urge parents to attend if children have any access to electronic devices including phones, games consoles, computers. The session is very eye opening and highlights some of the significant dangers that our children may face. To attend, please come to the main entrance.
To further support parents, there are some very helpful websites shared below. Please explore these as there are some incredibly useful information and tips.
It is absolutely vital that parents are vigilant about children's use of technology and enable their child to feel comfortable to talk to them about any worries or concerns they might have. Similarly it is our job as parents to help children understand what is and isn't acceptable use of technology so that they know both how to conduct themselves but also recognise when someone else has used technology in an inappropriate way.
We look forward to seeing lots of you here for Mark's session on 2nd May.
Gemma Anderson
Newsletter from Mrs Anderson: Summer term dates and PE days etc included!
Year 1 library visit 12.3.24
Year 1 will be visiting the library on 12th march. Because of their age, we would like to give parents the option to collect them from the library so that they do not need to walk back up the hill! Please use the link below for more information and to let us know what you would like to do.
World Book Day
Riding to school
A message for parents and carers
Dear parents and carers,
I can't quite believe that we are half way through the academic year! This always makes me reflective and so far there have been some incredible 2023-24 highlights: Bhangra dancing at Diwali, the Reception children walking to the Wheatmill to buy shortbread, our first Scarecrow Festival and Christmas Fayre, year 6 cooking ration recipes, children representing our school in netball, cross country and rugby competitions, children enjoying weekly Forest School sessions and cooking on open fire, but to name a few!
Below are some diary dates for next half term and beyond. As you can see we've more exciting and memorable events and I can't wait!
Dates for the diary:
- Mon 19th Feb: Spring 2 starts. School closed to pupils (INSET)
- Tue 20th Feb: Children to return to school as normal
- Mon 1st- Thur 21st March: donations for Easter Egg Raffles to be brought into school- if you would like to make a donation of an Easter Egg for our raffle, please send it in to school between these dates.
- Sat 2nd March: People involved in the Symphony Hall performance to attend rehearsal at Resonance
- Thur 7th March: World Book Day- children invited to wear their pyjamas/onesies/oodies instead of uniform for our Bedtime Story book sharing day. Please note I have decided that, in the current financial crisis, not to ask for children to wear fancy dress, which has limited impact on children's reading. Instead we will be keeping the focus on sharing stories and the pleasure of reading!
- Sun 10th March: some of our pupils performing at Symphony Hall, Birmingham
- Mon 11th- Thu 21st March: Easter Egg Raffles tickets for sale (20p each)- if you would like your child to purchase tickets, please send money into school with them.
- Mon 18th March: Open the Book in to lead our Easter assembly
- Tue 19th March, 2.30pm: Rocksteady concert- parents of Rocksteady children will be contacted by them directly.
- Wed 20th March: Classes G, L, E, S Egg Decorating Competition- if your child would like to decorate an egg, they can bring this into school on this date for our annual competition.
- Wed 20th March, 9am: Class I and Class N Easter Bonnet Parade- please feel free to make an Easter Bonnet at home for your child to wear for this.
- Wed 20th March, 2.15pm: Class D and Dingle Ducks Easter Bonnet Parade- please feel free to make an Easter Bonnet at home for your child to wear for this.
- Thur 21st March, 1.50pm: Year 5 Dance performance- parents invited
- Fri 22nd March: Easter Egg Raffle draw and the winners of our Egg Decorating Competition will be announced
- Fri 22nd March: Last day of Spring term- school day to end as normal
- Mon 8th April: children returning to school as normal for the start of the Summer term
PE and Forest School days Spring 2:
As you know, we have to make slight changes to PE days each half term. This is because of children starting new units and demands on the hall changing and provision like Dudley Performing Arts dance lessons moving to other class. Next half term PE days will be:
- Class D- Thursdays and Fridays
- Class I- Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- Class N- Mondays and Thursdays
- Class G- Wednesdays
- Class L- Mondays and Tuesdays
- Class E- Mondays and Thursdays
- Class S- Tuesdays and Thursdays
Please remember that your child is expected to wear correct PE kit on their PE days: a plain t shirt of the colour of their planet team, plain black PE bottoms, trainers and, if you wish, a plain black sweatshirt or hoodie.
Next half term year 3 and 4, Nurture and some of the Reception children (who have been contacted) will continue with Forest School, so on Thursdays:
- Year 3, the Nurture group and the small number of Reception pupils should come to school dressed for Forest School and bring their uniform to change into.
- Year 4 should wear uniform and bring their Forest School things to change into.
On World Book Day, PE and Forest School will be going ahead but children should not miss out. Send them in in their pyjamas with their PE/Forest School kit in a bag!
Photographs and videos of school events
As we say at the start of every performance that parents are invited into, these moments are precious and, as such, parents are welcome to take videos and photos of their children, as long as this is done in a respectful way and the people around them are considered. Because of safeguarding reasons, videos and photos where anyone other than your child is visible must not be shared (e.g. via Whatsapp or social media) without the consent of the parents of other children that can be seen. Similarly videos or photos with other adults visible (including parents and staff) must not be shared without their consent.
If there are breaches to this, I will have to consider whether we continue to allow parents to take videos or photos as this is an important and sensitive safety matter.
I thank you in advance for your understanding about this and your adherence to the instructions about sharing videos and photos.
Any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to speak to me or Ms. Heather on the playground, email or call 01384818305. Please remember that any emails sent to individual members of staff will not be responded to unless pre-arranged, in line with our Communications Policy.
Have a lovely half term with your children!
Gemma Anderson
MMR vaccination opportunities over the coming half term break
If any children are not fully vaccinated (MMR), please see the document below, with details of places you can take your child for this during the half term break.
Gemma Anderson
MMR Catch-Up opportunities over February Half term
Dear parent/carer,
Please see the below message from Dudley Council Health Protection Team:
You may have seen recent media reports of rising measles cases across the West Midlands and the Black Country. The most effective way to prevent measles infection, and the possible serious complications it can cause, is by having 2 doses of MMR vaccine. 2 doses of MMR provide 99% protection against measles that is lifelong. It also protects against mumps and rubella. It is safe and effective, and a porcine gelatine free vaccine is available, if this is preferred.
The rise in measles cases is due to declining childhood immunisation rates, including the MMR, nationally over the past 10 years. The higher the immunisation rates, the less opportunity there is for measles infection to circulate, which helps to protect those who are vulnerable due to being unable to receive MMR vaccination (including babies under 1 year old, pregnant women if unvaccinated, and the severely immunocompromised).
It is not too late for children and adults to catch up on the MMR vaccine if they haven’t received 2 doses at the recommended ages of 1 year (1st dose) and 3 years and 4 months (2nd dose). Your GP surgery can be contacted to arrange an appointment. If you are unsure whether your child is immunised with 2 doses of MMR vaccine, you can check their ‘red book’, which is their personal health record. Children who have not had any MMR vaccines may have to stay away from school for up to 21 days if they are identified as a close contact of a confirmed measles case.
Please see the NHS webpages on measles and MMR vaccine for more information, and the below link for local pop-up vaccination clinics for MMR:
Parents' Evening: Classes D to S, Thursday 8th February
If you would like an appointment for Parents' Evening, please use the link below to complete an appointment request form. This link will be available until 3pm on 1st February and appointments sent home on the 2nd February.
Your child will be bringing home a mid-point report on 29th January. Parents' Evening will be an opportunity to ask any questions you have about this.
We hope to see lots of you at Parents' Evening!
Gemma Anderson
A message for all parents and carers from The High Acres pub
Over the weekend I have been contacted by the management of The High Acres pub and have been asked to inform you all that they will no longer be allowing parents to park on their car park as there have been a number of incidents of inappropriate parking and it was shared that there have been some incidents of rudeness towards the pub staff when parents have been asked to move cars.
Can I please remind all parents and carers to walk to school wherever possible and, should you need to drive, to park safely, legally and respectfully.
Should anyone see parking that is dangerous or illegal, details of how you can report issues can be found at
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
A message for parents
Hello everyone and Happy New Year! We've had a wonderful start to 2024 in school and everything has been really calm and lovely! Our EYFS children (Ducks and Class D) have had a particularly brilliant start to the term and we are really proud of them and how grown up they have been- independent and resilient!
Dates for your diaries:
After the longest Autumn term ever, we now have a very very short Spring term! Here are a few dates for your diaries. All term dates for the rest of the school year and the start of next have been included.
- Mon 22nd Jan: Link for requesting Parents' Evening appointments (classes D to S) will go live and parents will be notified
- Wed 7th Feb: Year 4 Wordsley Library visit in the afternoon
- Thu 1st Feb: Year 6 Heights and Weights checks (NHS)
- Thu 8th Feb: Parents' Evening
- Fri 9th Feb: Last day of Spring 1 (school ending as normal)
- Mon 12th-Fri 16th Feb: School closed for half term
- Mon 19th Feb: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Tue 20th Feb: Children return to school as normal
- Wed 21st Feb: Year 5 Wordsley Library visit in the afternoon
- Sat 2nd March: Choir rehearsing at Resonance, for their performance at Symphony Hall
- Sun 10th March: Choir performing at Symphony Hall!
- Mon 18th March: Open the Book in school for our Easter assembly
- Tue 19th March, 2.30pm: Rocksteady concert
- Fri 22nd March: Last day of Spring 1 (school ending as normal)
- Mon 25th March- Fri 5th April: School closed for Easter break
- Mon 8th April: Children return to school as normal for Summer term
- Mon 6th May: School closed (May Day Bank Holiday)
- w/b Mon 13th May: Year 6 completing the Key Stage 2 SATs tests
- Fri 24th May: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Mon 27th- Fri 31st May: School closed for half term
- Mon 3rd June: Children return to school as normal
- Mon 22nd July: New Challenges Day- there will be lots of exciting things going on!
- Tue 23rd July: First day of the Summer break
- Mon 2nd Sept: First day of the 2024-25 school year
- Mon 2nd and Tue 3rd Sept: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Wed 4th Sept: Children return to school as normal
School Uniform and PE Kit (Classes D to S)
Can I remind all parents that children are expected to wear full, correct uniform. This is important for lots of reasons, but largely because it promotes unity and equality in our children. This is also important on PE days. Your child should wear a plain t shirt of the colour of their planet team, plain black PE bottoms, a plain black sweatshirt or hoodie if you wish them to and trainers of pumps.
If a child is attending an activity after school and wear special clothes for this, they must be brought into school to change in to. This means they are expected to wear correct uniform/PE kit on PE days for the actual school day.
The only days children are allowed to wear non-uniform are special non-uniform days and their birthdays.
Just to remind you, if you feel that your child has an individual need that means uniform or PE kit needs to be adjusted for them, you must speak to Ms. Heather as our Inclusion Lead or myself to discuss this.
Reading Challenge
47 pupils managed to read at home 3 times and have their record signed by an adult every week last half term and will be participating in a special treat on Monday afternoon. Well done folks!
Remember we are asking for children to read at least 3 times for a short period of time and for an adult to sign their reading records to acknowledge this. The children can read anything they choose and it does not have to be for a long time.
As a number of you have, please feel free to speak to myself or Ms. Heather if you feel you or your child has a individual need that would need an adjustment to this expectation and we can see what we can do to support.
Communication with school
Another reminder that parents are always welcome to speak to a member of staff at the start or end of day if they are available, to call school or contact school using From this point on emails sent directly to individual staff email addresses, unless this has been pre-arranged, will not be responded to. This is to ensure that parents use the most frequently checked forms of communication. Our Communications Policy is on our Policies page of our website if you would like to read it.
The Spring term is always very busy and our school has a lovely buzz about it. I look forward to seeing how the children grow and progress over the coming weeks.
Gemma Anderson
The end of this term and the start of next!
Good morning from a very festive Dingle Community Primary! We've reached the end of the longest Autumn term ever and the children (and staff!) are all ready for the Christmas break!
Just a couple of things in preparation for January:
- School is open as normal on Monday 8th January- we look forward to seeing everyone back at school!
- PE days for the Spring term, with the children coming into school wearing PE kit are:
- Class D- Thursdays and Fridays
- Class I- Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- Class N- Mondays and Thursdays
- Class G- Wednesdays
- Class L- Tuesdays and Fridays
- Class E- Mondays and Thursdays
- Class S- Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Next December, to help the planet and to help families in our community, we are going to have a Nativity Costume Library, so families can borrow costumes rather than buy new ones, and a Pre-Loved Christmas Jumper Sale. Over the Christmas break, if you have costumes and/or festive clothes you know won't get any further use, please put them aside and bring them into school in January.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Gemma Anderson
A message for our community
Hello everyone. I hope that you are all well and that you are enjoying the lovely buzz in the run up to Christmas!
This week will see some lovely events at school:
- Classes D, I and N will be performing their Nativity for their families on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that tickets have already been distributed and that numbers are strictly limited because of health and safety reasons.
- Wrapping Room and Discos will be held this week- parents are aware of whether or not their children are taking part following payments via School Money.
- Our Rocksteady children will be performing their concert on Tuesday afternoon- we're all so excited! Parents of these children have been contacted directly by Rocksteady.
- On Friday the children will be having class parties. This will be a non uniform day and please feel free to send your child in with an extra snack, just for them. Please remember we are a nut free school and the children will be having lunch as normal so do not need to bring in masses of food- just a small snack for themselves!
- School ends as normal on Friday for the start of the Christmas break!
Over the last couple of week, we've been getting into the Christmas swing of things! Open the Book came in to lead an assembly about the story of the birth of Jesus; we are always incredibly grateful of their visits but the Christmas one is always particularly special. We had our Christmas Craft and Reading afternoon and were so pleased to see so many parents here with their children. The community tree in the hall looks wonderful. Our Christmas Fayre was a real success- thank you to those who supported this event- and the children who attended Christmas Film Night had a wonderful time. Most special was the Key Stage 2 Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church which was stunning. The children were a real credit to you and the school and the readers and Choir did a tremendous job.
I also have some news to share with you. Mrs Pitt, after literally decades of hard work for Dingle Community Primary School, has decided to retire and will be leaving us on Friday. Mrs Pitt, thank you for your dedication to the children of Dingle Community. We wish you well in all of your adventures and look forward to continuing to see you here as a grandparent and member of the the local community.
For those of you who I do not have the pleasure of crossing paths with in the next few days, have a wonderful Christmas and a splendid start to 2024. We look forward to seeing all of the children here on Monday 8th January as normal.
Gemma Anderson
Dates for the Diary
Some reminders and a few additions to the dates for your diaries! You will notice that there are some Microsoft Forms that you need to complete to request Nativity tickets, request for your child to be dismissed from the church after our Carol Service, let us know if your child would like to come and sing at the Christmas Fayre and let us know if a parent will be attending our Christmas Craft and Reading afternoon! As a parent myself, I always find it much easier to be organised if I have all the information and any required responses all in one go.
- Fri 17th Nov: Children in Need Day- This will be a non-uniform day (wearing spots if you like!) with children being asked to bring in a few spare coins to add to our whole school coin trail!
- Fri 17th Nov, 2.30pm: Year 1 parents invited in to discuss toys with the children, as part of their history work
- Tue 21st Nov, 2.30pm: Year 6 parents invited in for a performance of their music work
- Sun 26th Nov: School supporting the Community Centre Christmas Fete
- Fri 1st Dec: Non uniform day- we are asking for donations for our Sweet Treats and Bottles tombola to be brought in, ready for our Christmas Fayre!
- Fri 1st Dec, 1.30pm: Parents invited into school for an afternoon of Christmas Craft and Reading with your children- if an adult will be attending please complete the form below by Fri 24th November.
- Sat 2nd Dec, 10.30-2.30pm: DPP Christmas Fayre. Details have been sent home in a flyer but don't forget to book Santa slots through Eventbrite! If your child (Reception to year 6) would like to sing at the event, at 12pm, please complete the form below by Friday 24th November.
- Mon 4th Dec: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
- Fri 8th Dec, 5pm: our annual DPP Christmas Film Night! Tickets are now on sale via School Money.
- Wed 13th Dec, 1.30pm: Years 3-6 (Classes G, L, E and S) Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church- parents invited. If you would like for us to dismiss your child from the church at the end, please complete the form below by Wednesday 6th December.
- Thu 14th Dec, 1.45pm: Year 1 parents invited in for a performance of their dance work this half term.
- Fri 15th Dec: Christmas Clobber Day. To raise money for Save the Children, children are invited to bring in a donation of a silver coin and come to school in festive non-uniform- wear green and red, don a Santa hat, stitch some tinsel to your top... the possibilities are endless! Please feel free to wear a Christmas jumper but it is absolutely no expected that parents spend money on these!
- Fri 15th Dec: School Christmas Lunch
- Fri 15th Dec, 2.30pm: Year 4's guitar performance- parents invited.
- Mon 18th and Tue 19th Dec: DPP Wrapping Room- this is now available to purchase via School Money.
- Tue 19th Dec, 9.30am: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- If you would like to request tickets, please complete the form below by Tuesday 5th December.
- Tue 19th Dec, 2.30pm: Rocksteady Concert
- Wed 20th Dec, 2.30pm: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- If you would like to request tickets, please complete the form below by Tuesday 5th December.
- Thu 21st Dec: Christmas Discos! (3.30-4.30 for Ducks and classes D to N, 4.45-5.45 for classes G to S) Tickets are now on sale via School Money. For the 3.30 disco, children are welcome to bring their party clothes to school, get changed here and go straight in!
- Fri 22nd Dec: last day of the Autumn Term- children finishing at normal time
- Mon 8th Jan: Start of the Spring term- children returning to school as normal
Any questions please don't hesitate to ask! We are really looking forward to all of our Christmas events and seeing you there supporting them.
Gemma Anderson
Tickets for Christmas Events
The tickets for the following events are now available to purchase via School Money.
Ducks and classes D, I and N Disco, snacks included: Thu 21st Dec, 3.30-4.30. £3 a ticket, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec
Classes G, L, E and S Disco, snacks included: Thu 21st Dec, 4.45-5.45. £3 a ticket, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec
Christmas Film Night (classes D to S), snacks included: Fri 8th Dec, 5pm-7pm, £3 a ticket. Please note that tickets for this are limited and the film being shown is a PG- purchase of a ticket will be taken as consent for our child to watch a film of this certificate.
Wrapping Room: £3 per item, up to 2 per child, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec. Please note children will visit the Wrapping Room during the week beginning 18th December. Please choose to pay £3 for one gift on £6 for two gifts via School Money if you wish for your child to take part. There are a wide range of gifts for them to choose from, for all ages, and the children will wrap them themselves (with some adult help!)
Any questions, please don't hesitate to call school and ask!
Gemma Anderson
Dingle Parent Partnership (DPP) and Christmas Events
Hello everyone,
As you know we are hold a number of DPP events in the run up to Christmas.
Christmas Fayre: 10.30-2.30 Saturday 2nd December
Christmas Film Night: 5pm-7pm Friday 8th December
Christmas Discos: 3.30-4.30pm (Ducks and classes D, I and N), 4.45-5.45pm (classes G, L, E and S) Thursday 21st December
If anyone is able to come and support these events (for example manning stalls at the fayre or supervising film night/discos), please contact school asap. Lots of the things we would like to do, particularly at the Fayre, are reliant on people to do them!
We will be having a DPP meeting at 9am on Wednesday 15th November to finalise plans for our Christmas events. If you are able to support this, please come along!
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
PE days from 6th November
Hello all,
I hope that the children are having a wonderful half term after their long 8 weeks of hard work!
Because of some changes in PE, for example now that a new class will be working with Dudley performing Arts for Dance, there are some changes to PE days.
For Autumn 2 the children will need to wear PE kit on:
Class I - Tuesday and Thursday
Class N – Monday and Tuesday
Class G - Thursday and Wednesday
Class L - Tuesday and Thursday
Class E - Monday and Friday
Class S – Thursday and Friday
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Scarecrow Festival: Friday 20th October, 3.30pm-5.30pm
Hello everyone,
Thank you so much for all of the donations made on or non-uniform day last week. Very much appreciated!
We are really looking forward to seeing lots of you at our Scarecrow Festival this Friday!
- Instead of an entrance fee, we are asking for people to bring a donation of food (tinned, dried, long use by dates) or toiletries (including baby items) for the Black Country Food Bank.
- Please bring your child's decorated/carved pumpkin with you if you want them to participate in our Pumpkin Decorating Competition.
- Looking at the weather, it is highly likely that this will be an indoor event, but the Scarecrow Trail may well be outside- bring a coat and appropriate footwear!
- On 11th and 12th October, some of our lovely DPP volunteers came in a made Halloween and Autumnal decorations with your children- These have been individually labelled and will be on sale at the Scarecrow Festival.
- For all other details, please see the flyer that was sent home and was posted below last week!
- All stalls and activities will be cash only!
We are really excited about this event- scarecrow making is in full swing across school!
Gemma Anderson
Updates and information for parents
Hello everyone!
Firstly just a quick reminder that tomorrow (Friday 13th October) is a non-uniform day and we are asking children to bring in donations of sweets, chocolates and/or bottles for our Scarecrow Festival next Friday (20th).
Reception to Year 6 Parents' Evening: Thursday 26th October
To request an appointment for Parents' Evening, please use the link below and complete the online form. The form will be available until 9am on Thursday 19th October.
Staffing update
I am very very proud to let you know that Mrs Wallis is going to be seconded to the Local Authority School Improvement Team, to support the development of schools across Dudley. This is an amazing opportunity for her and a testament to how brilliant she is! Because of this Mrs Wallis will be leaving us at October half term for the remainder of the school year. We know she is going to be wonderful in her new role and we look forward to her returning to us in the not too distant future.
Year 3 will be taught by a new member of our teaching team, Mrs Chavez, for this period and the children will meet her before Mrs Wallis leaves us.
I am also very pleased to tell you that Mrs Miller has had her baby girl! Congratulations!
School and Community Events
Below you will find flyers for next week's Scarecrow Festival, School's Christmas Fayre and the Community Centre's Christmas Fete, which we are also supporting. We hope to see lots of you at these events!
As always, any questions, just ask. Feel free to speak to me on the playground at the start of the day, to email or call on 01384818305.
Gemma Anderson
School and Community Events coming soon...
Flu Vaccinations are taking place on Thursday 26th October. Please click on the leaflet below for further information as consent is required.
Dates for the diary
Hello everyone! I'm just writing to remind you of a few events and also share dates for some of our Christmas events.
- Mon 9th Oct: school photos (If you wish to have a group photo with a younger sibling, please come to the Community Room at 8.30am.) (If your child has PE that day, ensure they wear normal uniform and bring PE kit in to change into.)
- Fri 13th Oct: Non-uniform day- children are asked to bring in packaged sweets/chocolates and/or a bottle for our Tombola at our Scarecrow Festival. If your child has PE that day, please make sure they are dressed for sport or they bring PE kit in to change into.
- Mon 16th Oct: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
- Fri 20th Oct, 3.30-5.30: DPP Scarecrow Festival: a community event (Flyers have been sent home- we look forward to seeing you there!)
- Thu 26th Oct: Whole School nasal flu vaccinations.
- Thu 26th Oct, 3.30-6.00pm: Parent's Evening for Classes D-S
- Fri 27th Oct: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Mon 30th Oct- Fri 3rd Nov: School closed (half term)
- Mon 6th Nov: Children return to school as normal
- Sun 26th Nov: School supporting the Community Centre Christmas Fete
- Sat 2nd Dec, 10.30-2.30pm: DPP Christmas Fayre (Further details to follow, but don't forget to book Santa slots through Eventbrite!)
- Mon 4th Dec: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
- Wed 13th Dec, 1.30pm: Years 3-6 (Classes G, L, E and S) Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church- parents invited
- Mon 18th and Tue 19th Dec: DPP Wrapping Room- further details will be sent home later in the term
- Tue 19th Dec, 9.30am: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- letter re tickets will come home later in term
- Tue 19th Dec, 2.30pm: Rocksteady Concert
- Wed 20th Dec, 2.30pm: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- letter re tickets will come home later in term
- Fri 22nd Dec: last day of the Autumn Term- children finishing at normal time
- Mon 8th Jan: Start of the Spring term- children returning to school as normal
Further dates will follow, including for Christmas Discos, School Christmas Lunch and class parties.
If anyone is able to volunteer any time to support any of our DPP (Dingle Parent Partnership) events, please email or call on 01384818305.
Any questions, just ask!
Gemma Anderson
Father Christmas is coming to Dingle Community Primary!
We will be holding a Christmas Fayre here at school on Saturday 2nd December and we're really excited. There will be stalls from various local people, from gift ideas to sweet treats, hot food and games for everyone to enjoy. Details will follow nearer the time!
In the meantime, I know some parents are planning ahead. Father Christmas will be here, in our Forest School are, and tickets are available for you to book to meet him and for your children to get a special gift!
If you are interested please use the link below to book your spaces. These are limited so you may want to act fast!
Information for parents (Reception to Year 6)- September 2023
Hello everyone,
I hope that you and your children have had a lovely summer break. We are really excited to see the children back in school as normal on Wednesday 6th September.
Please remember that drop off for Reception to Year 6 is 8.40-8.50 and collection is 3.10-3.20.
Uniform and PE Kit
As you are aware, children are expected to wear uniform (grey/black school trousers/skirt/pinafore, black smart school shoes, pale blue/white shirt or polo shirt, royal blue jumper/cardigan/sweatshirt). Tops can be bought from Totally Uniform or My Clothing if you would like them embroidered with the school logo. This is not a requirement- non embroidered tops can be sourced from lots of outlets.
On PE days children are expected to wear PE kit to school. (Appropriate footwear, plain black joggers/leggings/shorts/PE skirt, plain t shirt of the colour of your child's Planet, plain black hoodie or sweatshirt if required) Children should not wear team sportswear or clothing with slogans or logos.
This half term PE days, beginning on 11th September, are:
Class I: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class N: Tuesdays and Fridays
Class G: Wednesdays and Thursdays
Class L: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class E: Mondays and Fridays
Class S: Fridays (and swimming kit to be brought into school on Thursdays)
Class D will have PE days later this term, once settled. Parents will be notified of this.
It is expected that children wear correct uniform and kit at all times. PE days are not non-uniform days. Children are allowed to wear non-uniform on their birthday (or nearest day if they are not at school) and when there is a whole school non-uniform day.
Should you feel that your child has individual needs that require for there to be a reasonable adjustment made to this, you must speak to either myself or our Deputy Head, Ms. Heather. Should anyone be struggling financially with uniform, please contact the school office and we will discussion options with you.
Using School Money
Please remember that school lunches, Breakfast Club and After School Club are to be booked online before 4pm on Fridays for the following school week. Following the summer break these are being left open until 4pm on Tuesday this week.
Diary dates this term
Below are diary dates for this term. please be aware that others may follow but you will be notified of this asap.
- Wed 6th Sept: Children in school as normal
- Fri 15th Sept: first Praise Assembly of the year. Please note these are no at 9am. As last year, children are welcome to bring in certificates and awards from outside school and parents are welcome to attend to see these presented. If your child has won 'Student of the Week' you will be contacted and also invited to attend the assembly.
- Fri 22nd Sept: Years 5 and 6 workshops (first of 3 weeks) with the charity 'Phase Trust' on Racial Diversity
- Mon 25th Sept, 2.30pm: Phonics workshop for parents of Class D. You will work with your child and all parents are encouraged to attend.
- Tue 26th Sept, 2.30pm: Phonics workshop for parents of Class I. You will work with your child and all parents are encouraged to attend.
- Mon 16th Oct: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
- Fri 20th Oct, 3.30-5.30: Scarecrow Festival: a community event
- Thu 26th Oct: whole school nasal flu vaccinations. Parents will be contacted by NHS re this.
- Fri 27th Oct: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Mon 30th Oct- Fri 3rd Nov: School closed (half term)
- Mon 6th Nov: Children return to school as normal
Our Scarecrow Festival is a Dingle Parent Partnership (DPP) fundraising event and families are invited to attend with their children. Further details will follow closer to the time. If you are able to give up time to help with the organising of the this or with the event itself, please contact me via We will be having a DPP meeting about this event at 4.30pm on Wed 20th September. If you would like to attend, please, again, contact me via
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact school on the email above, call on 01384818305 or speak to a member of Senior Leadership on the playground at the start of the school day.
I look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday!
Gemma Anderson
Information for classes D to S: Remaining few days of term
The end of term and, indeed, the school year, is drawing near. There are just a few messages to share with you.
As you are aware, the children are in school as normal next Monday and Tuesday. We break up for the Summer at the end of the normal school day on Tuesday 25th July.
Children are expected to wear normal school uniform on both of these days.
- If it is normally a PE day, please send them in wearing PE kit.
- Year 6 leavers are able to bring party clothes in on Tuesday to change into at the end of the day, ready for their celebration, if they so wish.
The children will be having a treat on Monday and will be having class parties on Tuesday afternoon.
- If you would like to send in a small amount of party food in on Tuesday morning, just for your child, please do so, either on a wrapped paper plate or in a box.
Year 6 leavers
- will have their Graduation assembly at 2.30 on Monday 24th July
- and will all be dismissed at 3.15pm, via the main entrance, on Tuesday 25th July, for their final farewell.
Lost property is all being placed on tables on the playground near years 2-4 at the end of school today and tomorrow. Please come and see if there is anything that belongs to you as there is lots of clothing with plenty of wear left in it.
If I do not see you before the end of the term, please have a wonderful summer with your children and I look forward to hearing of the adventures of the new Year 7s and seeing the rest of the children returning to us in September. School is closed for INSET on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September and term starts for the children on Wednesday 6th September.
Gemma Anderson
Parents' Evening Appointments: Classes D-S
The link for making Parents' Evening appointments has now been removed, as outlined in the letter that accompanied children's reports.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Please follow the link below which provides information about how parents can support their children transitioning to secondary school.
Transition and Teaching Team September 2023
As you are aware, our children have been participating in 'Transition Tuesdays', in order to help the children prepare for the next academic year. Last week children went with their current teachers into their new learning environments and it was a very valuable experience. Today the children will find out who is teaching them next year and most of our children will spend part of the afternoon in their new room with their new teacher.
The teaching team next year is:
Class D (the new Reception class): Miss Jones
Class I (the new year 1 class): Miss Taylor-Hems
Class N (the new year 2 class): Mrs Thomas and Ms Heather
Class G (the new year 3 class): Mrs Wallis
Class L (the new year 4 class): Miss Potter
Class E (the new year 5 class): Miss Dwyer
Class S (the new year 6 class): Mrs Ellerton
You may have noticed two new names here! Mrs Ellerton is joining us as our new English Lead and will meet the children today. Miss Taylor-Hems has been with us at various points this academic year, working with the current Reception class, so they already know their new Year 1 teacher well! She will be working with them next Tuesday.
You will also have noticed a few names missing from the list.
Mrs Danks is not leaving us! She will be working primarily with years 3 and 4.
Mrs Miller is having a baby. She (and her gorgeous bump) will be going on maternity leave at some point in the first half of the Autumn term. In September she will support her current class in their transition to Key Stage 2 and will be teaching specific children.
Miss Harris and Mrs Taylor-Ward are both leaving us to embark upon new adventures! Teaching is a profession and, as such, we are always eager to learn and develop as professionals- this is precisely what these two ladies are doing! Miss Harris, who has been exceptional with our oldest pupils, is moving on to working with even older children at a middle school. Mrs Taylor-Ward is off to tackle a new professional challenge as a SENDCo, an area of education she is particularly passionate about. Later in the term we will be saying some very fond farewells but for now I simply want to congratulate them both on their exciting new roles.
Our Transition Tuesdays will continue for another two weeks, with further transition work on Friday 21st July and, in addition, individual transition work for specific pupils throughout the next three weeks.
Gemma Anderson
Industrial action by NEU
Please see the file below for information on the industrial action on 5th and 7th July. At this point we anticipate that school will be open to all children.
Gemma Anderson
School Uniform and the current weather
What glorious weather we're having! Long may it continue and sincere apologies if I've now cursed it!
Please remember that we do have adjustments to school uniform for the summer, but that it is expected that children continue to wear uniform. Blue or white polo t-shirts or cotton shirts are still to be worn, but children can wear grey or black shorts instead of trousers. Blue school summer dresses can also be worn. If you wish, children are also able to wear sandals instead of school shoes, providing they are sturdy and flat.
For PE, children are still expected to wear their planet colour t-shirt and can wear black shorts or PE skirts with them. Children must wear trainers or pumps for PE lessons, but if you wish to send them in to change into so your child can wear sensible sandals for the rest of the day, please do.
Some children in our school, with specific individual needs, have agreed adjustments to expectations of uniform. If you believe that your child has an individual need that requires a personal adjustment to this, please call and ask to speak to Ms. Heather, as our Inclusion Lead, so that you can agree an adjustment that is as close to the uniform as possible. Unless you have agreed an adjustment with Ms. Heather, it is expected that your child is in correct uniform.
Can I also remind parents of the importance of children applying sunscreen before coming to school and bringing in water bottles and hats.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Dates for the Diary and some updates!
It is hard to believe that we are in the final half term of the year! It doesn't seem like five minutes since we were all taking the 'first day of the year in your uniform by the front door' photos! Here are some dates for your diaries for the rest of the school year.
- Fri 9th June: Reception's first dance lesson with Dudley Performing Arts- children should wear PE kit on Fridays this half term
- Fri 9th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
- Fri 9th June, 2.30pm: first Praise Assembly of the half term. Remember you'll be invited to attend if you child is being awarded 'Student of the Week' and you are welcome to attend if your child is bringing in an award from outside school. These are every Friday unless noted in the diary dates.
- w/b Mon 12th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening
- Mon 19th June: Class photos (including Ducks) being taken- all children in Classes D-S to wear uniform and bring PE kit in if it is a PE day.
- Tue 20th June: Year 6 dental checks (NHS)
- Tue 20th June: School Nurse working with Year 5 on changing bodies
- Thu 22nd June: Year 4 visit to Thinktank
- Tue 27th June: the first of 4 Transition Tuesdays, where children from Classes D-E will spend an hour getting ready for next year, learning about new teachers, new learning environments and new curriculum
- Wed 28th June: Year 1 visit to Hartlebury
- Thu 29th June: Sports Day (9.30 for Classes D, I and N, 1.30 for Classes G, L, E and S)
- Wed 12th July: Year 2 visit to Weston-Super-Mare
- Thu 13th July: School Nurse working with Year 6 on changing bodies
- Thu 13th July: Annual reports coming to parents for Classes D-S
- Fri 14th July, 9.45am: Reception dance performance- parents invited
- Tue 18th July, 2.30pm: Rocksteady concert- parents of performers invited, with more information to follow from Rocksteady
- Wed 19th July: Year 6 dress rehearsal of their play for Classes D-E
- Thu 20th July, 3.30pm-6.00pm: Classes D-S Parents' Evening (details re making appointments will be included in your child's report)
- Fri 21st July, 9.00-11.30: Transition morning for Classes D-E
- Fri 21st July, 10.00am: Year 6 performance for parents
- Fri 21st July, 2.30pm: final Praise Assembly of the year
- Mon 24th July, 2.30pm: Year 6 graduation assembly- parents invited
- Tue 25th July: Final day of the school year. Children finishing at 3.10pm, as normal
Please note that we are awaiting a date for Year 4 to work with the School Nurse. This will be shared asap.
Further updates:
PE days this half term are remaining the same, apart from Class D who need to wear their PE kits on Fridays (uniform Mon-Thu), for their dance lessons.
Some families requested for their 'Big Help Out' sponsorship money to be donated to Gracie's Go Fund Me page, which a kind parent volunteered to do on behalf of many of you. She has asked us to share that a total of £688.05 was donated in this way.
As I do every year, I would like to remind parents of the importance of making sure children bring sun hats and water bottles into school every day. Even if it looks cloudy in the morning, we can always trust the British weather to be unpredictable! Please also ensure children apply sunscreen before coming in.
In recent weeks a number of children have made reference to film characters from inappropriate films. When we have spoken to parents, they have been very shocked as the child has not been exposed to the film itself. I would like to remind all parents that it is vital that any use of screens is carefully monitored. Avatars of such characters are becoming increasing present in YouTube videos, on Roblox and games such as Minecraft. Extremist groups are also using these platforms to start engaging with young people. Please make sure that you carefully monitor use of technology and talk to your children about E-Safety.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to speak to me or a member of SLT on the playground at the start of the day, call school on 01384818305 or email us at
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Sleep Workshop
When your child sleeps well, they are more settled, happy and ready for school the next day. Good-quality sleep helps your child concentrate, remember things and behave well. This helps them to be successful learners. Getting enough sleep also strengthens your child’s immune system and reduces the risk of infection and illness.
We know, however, that some children struggle to get a good night’s sleep, and this can be a very difficult time for parents and impact on the whole family.
Our School Health Nurse, Ruth Simpson, will be holding a sleep workshop for parents on Friday 19th May from 9:15-10:15am. This will take place in the community room. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
We hope you are able to join us.
The Big Help Out Charity Donation :
As a school we have identified local charities that benefit our community in celebration of the King's Coronation. The children were involved in selecting the charities they would like to support. However from your response we understand that a number of you would like to donate money elsewhere. If you would prefer to donate to an alternative cause, we are happy for you to donate directly as an alternative to sending a donation into school.
Thank you for your support.
Industrial action by NEU
Please see the file below for information on the industrial action on 27th April and 2nd May. At this point we anticipate that school will be open to all children on 2nd May.
Gemma Anderson
Staffing update: Mrs Kindon
It is with sadness for us and excitement for her that I am notifying you that Mrs Kindon, our School Business Manager who many of you speak regularly to in our main office, is leaving us to pursue a new career outside the education sector. Her last full day here will be Friday 28th April.
We will very much miss her quick wit and sense of humour, friendly nature and, most importantly, her dedication to the children of Dingle Community Primary.
We are currently advertising to find her successor and will keep you posted. Mrs Kindon has kindly offered to support in the transition to a new School Business Manager.
Good luck Mrs Kindon! We know we will see you in our local community and we look forward to hearing about your new adventure!
Gemma Anderson
Industrial action by NEU
Please see the file below for information on the industrial action on 27th April and 2nd May. At this point we anticipate that school will be open to all children on 27th April.
Gemma Anderson
Parent update and diary dates
I hope that you all had a lovely time over Easter and managed to get some quality time with your wonderful children. It was lovely to see them this morning!
I just wanted to share some information and dates with you.
PE days:
PE days are largely unchanged this term, the only slight change being Year 4 needing to come in kit on Fridays as they will be participating in lessons with Dudley Performing Arts. Therefore PE days this half term will be:
Class D: Tuesdays
Class I: Thursdays and Fridays
Class N: Mondays and Wednesdays
Class G: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class L: Mondays and Fridays
Class E: Tuesdays and Fridays
Class S: Wednesdays and Fridays
Diary dates:
Here is information on diary dates for this half term and some for next.
Thu 20th April: Year 3 visiting Black Country Living Museum
Throughout May: Year 2 Key Stage 1 SATs
Mon 1st May: school closed- Bank Holiday (May Day)
Fri 5th May: Our sponsored walk (parents invited) and Afternoon Tea to mark the Coronation (See details below)
Fri 5th May: no Praise Assembly
Mon 8th May: school closed- Bank Holiday (King's Coronation)
Tue 9th- Fri 12th May: Year 6 Key Stage 2 SATs
Fri 19th May, 9.45am: Year 4 parents invited to watch the children's dance performance
Thu 25th May, 2.30pm: Praise Assembly (moved because of INSET Day)
Fri 26th May: school closed to pupils (INSET Day)
Mon 29th May- Fri 2nd June: half term
Mon 5th June: children returning to school as normal
Mon 5th- Wed 7th June: Year 6 residential visit to the Pioneer Centre
w/b 5th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
w/b 12th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening
Monday 19th June: Nursery-Year 6 Class Photos
Thu 29th June: Sports Day (9.30- classes D, I and N, 1.30- classes G, L, E and S)
Thu 13th July: Annual reports out to parents
Thu 20th July: Parents' Evening
Fri 21st July: Meet your new teacher morning
Tue 25th July: last day of the Summer Term
The King's Coronation:
To mark the King's Coronation we will be holding some special events on Friday 5th May. In support of 'The Big Help Out', the scheme by which the King is proposing everyone does something charitable to mark the occasion, we are holding a sponsored walk here at school. Your child will come home this week with a sponsor form and details of how to vote on which charity out community will be supporting through this. Parents are invited to come and take part in this event with their children at:
9am- Class D and Dingle Ducks
10am- Classes I, N and G
11am- Classes L, E and S
Later that day each class will be holding their own Afternoon Tea party, which will be planned by each class. If you would like to donate cakes or biscuits for the occasion, please send them into school with your child on Thursday 4th or Friday 5th May.
This day will be a red, white and blue themed non-uniform day. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for participating in the sponsored walk!
Further dates:
We will contact you with further dates as soon as possible, including for educational visits being planned for Years 1, 2 and 4 and for events next half term.
As you are aware, our increasing pupil numbers means that we had to put an end to our 'Open House Assemblies' as we were no longer able to hold this within fire regulation numbers of people in the hall. We do, however, now have weekly 'Praise Assemblies', with parents of 'Student of the Week' winners invited to come in via text message. This half term we are also inviting parents to attend if their child has brought in awards from outside school. These assemblies are held at 2.30pm on Fridays, unless stated in the diary dates.
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is always on the playground at the start of the day or you can call the school office on 01384818305 or email via
Gemma Anderson
Friday 24th March 2023
A report has been made to school of an adult making people feel uncomfortable with inappropriate remarks and behaviours earlier today. Police have been contacted and we ask parents to be vigilant and contact police if they see anything they are concerned about.
Termly SEN Parents Meeting
Since January, I have been fortunate enough to meet with most of you to discuss your concerns and share current provision. I would like to take this opportunity to invite parents/ carers into school at the start of the Summer term as part of the termly SEN review process. This will be a chance to further discuss your child's support and provision in more detail, as well as sharing strengths and successes.
You are able to book an appointment with the office. The following dates are available:
Wednesday 19th April
Thursday 20th April
Friday 21st April
I look forward to seeing you.
In the meantime, have a great Easter holidays.
Parental Survey
Below is a link to a survey for parents- if you could complete it, I would be very appreciative as the collected thoughts and perceptions will be used to inform how go about making our lovely school even better for the children of Dingle Community Primary School.
I really appreciate your time. Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Friday 10th March 2023: school open
School is open today and all children are expected to attend. The current snow is predicted to stop this morning and we are able to open safely.
Registers will remain open until 9.30am so that you do not need to rush.
Due to supply issues, school meal service will be very limited today. We ask as many children as possible to bring packed lunches- meal payments will of course be refunded. Sandwiches and jacket potatoes will be provided where it is not possible for children to bring a packed lunch.
Many thanks. I will see you all shortly!
Gemma Anderson
Industrial action on 15th and 16th March: school expecting to be open as normal
Please see the letter below. We are expecting school to be fully open.
Gemma Anderson
Parent update and diary dates
Hello everyone! We have had a lovely first week back, the highlight being World Book Day! Throughout the day we had a brilliant time, sharing stories. Teachers shared their very favourite childhood stories, with very personal explanations as to why they were so special, children heard anonymous story synopses and selected which one they wanted to go and hear, moving all over the school and during the afternoon our younger children were visited by our older children who read 'bedtime stories' to them which was so special that we've decided that this is going to become a weekly event at Dingle Community. Throughout the day we had a number of parents who volunteered to come in and share stories with our children- thank you, on behalf of our children, for giving up your time to help make their World Book Day 2023 even more memorable.
This should, as always, be a jam-packed, fun half term. Here are a few dates for your diaries!
Fri 17th March- Red Nose Day- see information below re non-uniform and our Big Laugh Joke Contest
Mon 20th March, 2.30pm- parental meeting for year 6 parents re Key Stage 2 SATs
Thu 23rd March, 1pm- mental health professional working with year 6 pupils on overcoming exam stress
Thu 23rd March, 2.15pm- parental session for year 6 parents with mental health professional on supporting pupils through year 6 SATs
Mon 27th March, 2.30pm- parental meeting for year 2 parents re Key Stage 1 SATs
Wed 29th March- Classes G, L, E and S are invited to bring in a decorated egg for our Annual Egg Decorating competition (winners to be announced in an assembly on Fri 31st!)
Wed 29th March, 9am- Dingle Ducks and Class D Easter Bonnet Parade (parents invited- Bonnets, as always, to be made at home)
Wed 29th March, 2.30pm- Class I and Class N Easter Bonnet Parade (parents invited- Bonnets, as always, to be made at home)
Thur 30th March, 2.30pm- parental meeting for year 1 parents re Phonics Screening
Red Nose Day Fri 17th March
This day will be a non-uniform day and we are asking children to bring in a donation of a silver coin. Children will also be invited to participate in our Big Laugh Joke Contest! If your child wants to participate, please practise an appropriate joke with them! They will share their jokes in class, each class will choose their favourite and these will then be performed in our final in Praise Assembly. School Council will choose the overall winner!
If you have any questions or queries, please ask! You can speak to the class teacher or member of the Senior Leadership on the playground at the start of the school day. Alternatively please call the office on 01384818305 or email us at
Gemma Anderson
Having spoken to many parents, I know the area of Special Educational Needs in school can feel very overwhelming. It seems to be full of acronyms and procedures. I understand that the system can feel very confusing at times. In an attempt to shine some light on how the system works in school and within the authority, I have outlined the various stages of the Graduated Approach. Hopefully, it will make things a little clearer.
Graduated Response in School
PE Days
As we move into a new half term, children will begin new units of work in PE, with some classes participating in sessions with coaches from outside school- this means that there are some changes to PE days. PE days for this term are shown below and children will need to come to school in PE kit on these days from Monday 27th February onwards.
Class D (Reception): Tuesdays
Class I (Year 1): Thursdays and Fridays
Class N (Year 2): Mondays and Wednesdays
Class G (Year 3): Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class L (Year 4): Mondays and Thursdays
Class E (Year 5): Tuesdays and Fridays
Class S (Year 6): Wednesdays and Fridays
Please ensure correct PE kit is worn. If you wish for your child to wear a long sleeved top with their kit, this must be a plain black hoodie or sweatshirt.
Gemma Anderson
Industrial Action
Please see the letter below re teaching union strikes on Wednesday 1st March. At this point we are expecting school to be fully open as normal.
Gemma Anderson
Parents' Evening Appointments
The electronic form for requesting appointments was removed at 9am 9.2.23, as was explained in children's Mid-Point Reports.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Links for English lessons for remote learning Wednesday 1st February
Below are the links for today's English lessons, for where parents have struggled to access it.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Industrial action by the NEU: impact on school
Please read the letter below regarding the industrial action being taken by the NEU and the impact on school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to a member of Senior Leadership at the start of school on the playground, call school on 01384818305 or email us at .
I will endeavour to keep you all as informed as possible and will, of course, notify you if there any changes to the plans outlined in the letter below.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Industrial action: impact on school
A message from school's new Deputy Headteacher
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ms Nichola Heather and I am the new Deputy Head and SENCO at Dingle Community Primary.
Since arriving, I have been busy getting to know the children, who have all been very welcoming. I would also like to meet with parents over the coming weeks.
I may already have contacted you. If I have not already been in touch and you would like an informal chat or a discussion about any concerns you may have, particularly regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please contact school in the first instance via the usual email address or telephone number.
I look forward to meeting you.
Ms Heather
Dates for the diary
Hello everyone. I hope to find you all well and having a positive start to 2023.
I am writing to share a few dates for your diaries with you for the coming term.
- Friday 13th January: our first Praise Assembly of 2023. (Each week, parents who are invited to attend will be contacted by text.)
- Thursday 19th January, 2.30pm- parental meeting for year 6 about the Pioneer residential visit
- Friday 3rd February: Mid-Point Progress Reports coming home to parents
- Thursday 16th February, 3.30pm-6.30pm: Parents' Evening
- Friday 17th February: Last day of the half term (Spring 1)
- Monday 20th- Friday 24th February: School closed (Half Term)
- Monday 27th February: Children return to school as normal for Spring 2
- Thursday 2nd March: World Book Day- please see information below.
- Friday 31st March: Last day of the half term (Spring 2)
- Monday 3rd- Friday 14th April: School closed (Easter)
- Monday 17th April: Children return to school as normal for Summer 1
- Monday 1st May: School closed (May Day Bank Holiday)
- Monday 8th May: School closed (Bank Holiday because of the Coronation)
- Tuesday 9th- Friday 12th May: Year 6- Key Stage 2 SATs
- Thursday 25th May: Last day of half term for the children (Summer 1)
- Friday 26th May: INSET day- school closed for pupils
- Monday 5th June: Children return to school as normal for Summer 2
- Tuesday 25th July: Last day of the school year
For World Book Day, rather than the focus be on parents spending money on dressing children as book characters, we like to focus on the joy of reading. This year our focus is going to be on 'Sharing Stories' and really celebrating the wonder of books. We will be:
- asking children to come to school wearing pyjamas as the younger and older children will be teaming up at the end of the day to share a 'bedtime' story.
- giving children of options of where they go for story time based on the synopsis of the story being read by each teacher.
- holding a special assembly where teachers share their favourite childhood stories.
- creating class banks of book reviews to be added to our library, so children can get book recommendations from their peers.
- and holding a 'Book Swap Shop' so children can bring in a book from home and swap it for a new-to-them book.
We would also really like to ask for parents who are happy to read to a group or class to come in and share their favourite books- if this is something you would be interested in doing on 2nd March, please email me at and I will get in contact.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel to email the inbox, call or come and see someone at the playground at the start of the school day. Either myself, Mrs Wallis or Ms Heather (our new Deputy Head) is out and about as school starts.
The children have had a generally very settled start to the new term, having got over the post-New Year tiredness! Here's to a cracking term and a lovely 2023!
Gemma Anderson
Years 3-6 Christmas Carol Service
As you know, the Key Stage 2 children are going to Holy Trinity Church, Wordsley, for our Carol Service, and parents are all welcome to attend. The service will start at 2pm.
If you would like your child to be dismissed to an adult at the church, at the end of this, please complete the online form (link below) by 12pm on Tuesday 6th December. Please make sure that you have clicked 'submit'.
Children who we do not have a response for will be taken back to school and dismissed as normal.
Many thanks. We look forward to seeing lots of you at the Carol Service!
Gemma Anderson
A message from Mrs Thomas re the High Acres Lights Switch on: Sunday 4th Dec
Dear Parents/Carers,
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and in school, things are no different. You may have noticed the huge Christmas Tree opposite our school and High Acres will be having a Christmas Tree light switch on to really get us into the Christmas Spirit. There will be stalls and a DJ as well as food and drink. But, most importantly, KS2 have been invited to sing at the event, just as the lights are switched on for the very first time, which is a wonderful opportunity. We will be singing a selection of Christmas songs for our community and have been working very hard in school to make sure that our singing is the best it can be.
The event will take place on Sunday, 4th December and we will be singing at 4.45pm. We would love to see as many faces under the tree as possible. As it’s a Sunday, we are aware that some of you may not be able to make it. So, to gauge an idea for how many pupils will be attending, we would appreciate it if you could fill in the electronic form, the link for which is below. Children taking part should come to the school car park for 4.30pm. Parents must stay with them.
It will be a lovely event and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Mrs Thomas
A few messages to be passed on...
Years 3 and 5
We have been informed that Wordsley School do not have adequate numbers of staff for us to go there for swimming next Monday (28th Nov), so this session has been cancelled. Refunds of monetary contributions made for this session will be processed via School Money.
The children from years 3 and 5 should bring PE kits with them to school on 28.11.22 as we will have PE instead of swimming.
The planned swimming sessions for 5.12.22 and 12.12.22 are going ahead.
Year 4
Year 4 have been having weekly guitar sessions with Mr Nicholls from Dudley Performing Arts. It is their final session on Wed 14th Dec and Mr Nicholls has requested that the children share their work through a performance. Parents of year 4 are, therefore, invited to school at 9.15 on 14.12.22 to see the class showcase what they have learnt in their guitar lessons.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Classes D, I and N: Nativity tickets
If you would like to request tickets for the Nativity performance, please use the link below, complete the online form and make sure you click 'submit'!
Gemma Anderson
Dates for the diary
This half term is always a busy one, particularly with (dare I say the word??) Christmas! Here are some dates for your diaries, for events this term.
- Mon 14th November, 2pm- Year 1 Family Learning workshop
- Fri 18th November- Children in Need: non-uniform day (wear spots if you like!) and bring a donation of a silver coin. (If this is PE day for your child, please feel free to bring kit in to change into instead of children wearing them to school.)
- Mon 28th November- Wear Red Santa Appeal Day (If this is PE day for your child, please feel free to bring kit in to change into instead of children wearing them to school.)
- Thu 1st December, 5pm- DPP Christmas Film Night
- Fri 2nd December- Children making decorations for our Community Christmas Tree in school
- Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December- Holy Trinity Christmas Tree Festival (including one from our school!)
- Sun 4th December- High Acres Community Association Christmas Lights switch on (Some of our children will be singing by the tree at 4.45pm)
- Thu 8th December, 2pm- Classes G, L, E and S Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church- parents invited to attend.
- Fri 9th December- Festive Clobber Day (in support of Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day)- Wear something festive (festive colours, festive jumpers, tinsel on your head- whatever you fancy!) and bring in a donation of a silver coin. (If this is PE day, please feel free to bring kits in to change into instead of children wearing them to school.)
- Fri 9th December- School Christmas Lunch- details of booking will follow soon!
- Mon 12th December- Classes D, I and N Nativity dress rehearsal for the rest of the school
- Tue 13th December, 9am- Classes D, I and N Nativity- ticket request information to follow
- Wed 14th December- DPP Wrapping Room (where children can buy and wrap gifts for their nearest and dearest!)
- Wed 14th December, 2pm- Classes D, I and N Nativity- ticket request information to follow
- Thu 15th December- DPP Wrapping Room
- Thu 15th December- DPP Christmas Discos (3.30-4.30 for Classes D, I and N, 4.45-5.45 for Classes G, L, E and S)
- Fri 16th December- Class parties (Children to wear party clothes to school. School will be providing snacks.)
- Fri 16th December- last day of term
- Tue 3rd January- INSET day
- Wed 4th January- Children return to school as normal
Further information will follow about all of our DPP (Dingle Parent Partnership) events, but if you are able to give up any time to support these events, please call school on 01384818305 or email at to let us know. Support is always very much appreciated.
We are supporting the Santa Appeal again this year and thoroughly appreciate support of any kind. Details of this are currently displayed outside each classroom and the 28th November (our Wear Red Day) will be the last day for donations of items or spare change.
As always, if you have any questions please ask. Either myself or Mrs Wallis is on the playground at the start of each day or you can call or email the school office, as above.
What a busy half term we are going to have! (I now have Mariah Carey on loop in my head, singing 'All I want for Christmas'...)
Gemma Anderson
PE Days
Because of changes to swimming days caused by the unexpected Bank Holiday last half term, we have had to make some changes to PE days. New PE days are shown below and will be in place from tomorrow and children need to come into the school in PE kit of their allocated days.
Class D (Reception): Tuesdays
Class I (Year 1): Thursdays and Fridays
Class N (Year 2): Thursdays and Fridays
Class G (Year 3): Wednesdays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in on Mondays from the 14th Nov onwards)
Class L (Year 4): Mondays and Wednesdays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in for their final session on 7th Nov)
Class E (Year 5): Wednesdays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in on Mondays from the 14th Nov onwards)
Class S (Year 6): Tuesdays and Fridays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in for their final session on 7th Nov)
Please ensure correct PE kit is worn. If you wish for your child to wear a long sleeved top with their kit, this must be a plain black hoodie or sweatshirt.
Gemma Anderson
Parents' Evening: Thursday 3rd November
Parents' Evening is being held in school on Thursday 3rd November, from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. We hope that as many parents as possible will be able to come to school, to find out how your child has got on in their first half term of the school year, about the progress they have made and about what their next steps are.
To request an appointment, please complete the electronic form, using the link below to your child's class. Please make sure that you use the correct link. We will try our very best to accommodate requested times and you will be notified of your allocated appointment closer to the date.
The parental request links will be open until 9am on Friday 28th October so that appointments can be allocated. (Please note the links have now been removed.)
We really look forward to seeing you in school.
Gemma Anderson
Reflexions Mental Health Support- drop-in Coffee Morning
Please see details on the flyer below about an informal session for parents to come in and discuss any concerns with a member of the wonderful Reflexions team.
A fond farewell
The very wonderful Mrs Byrne is leaving our team today- she is off to start a new chapter, continuing to work with young people, moving specifically into the field of Speech and Language. We're very excited for her and wish her all the very best in her new profession.
Mrs Byrne has been part of the Dingle Community team for several years and has worked with children across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. She has had a very positive impact on our pupils and we thank her for her hard work and determination to help young people reach their full potential.
We'll also really miss her cheery nature and her exceptionally quick wit and dry sense of humour.
Mrs Byrne, enjoy your new professional challenge and thank you for everything you have done for Dingle Community Primary!
Gemma Anderson
School photographs
The photographer will be in school on Monday 10th October and will take individual photos and sibling groups.
If you have a child that does not attend Dingle Community Primary and you would like them to be in a sibling group photo, please come to the Community Room at 8.30am. Please note, sibling groups where all siblings attend our school will be taken during the school day.
As a one off, the children in year 3 should come to school in their uniform and bring their PE kits with them to change into. Years 4 and 6 should also wear uniform and just bring their swimming kits.
Gemma Anderson
Dates for the Diary
Below are some dates for your diaries, including some really fun events that we hope you can join us for. Details can also be found on the calendar! We are all very excited that we are now able to hold family events again- they make such a difference to the children here at Dingle Community Primary.
- Fri 23rd September- the first of our new weekly Praise Assemblies (Parents will receive texts if their child has won student of the week!)
- Mon 26th September, 2pm-3.10pm- Class E Family Learning session with parents: postponed
- Tue 27th September, 9am-10am- E-Safety Workshop for parents (all years)
- Mon 3rd October, 2.45pm-3.10pm- Meeting for Class L (parents and children) about the statutory Multiplication Tables Check
- Wed 5th October, 9am-10am- Class S Family Learning session with parents
- Mon 10th October, 2pm-3.10pm- Class N Family Learning session with parents
- Wed 12th October, 9am-10am- Class D Family Learning session with grandparents
- Wed 19th October, 9am-10.30am- Class G Family Learning session with parents
- Wed 19th October, 2pm-3.10pm- Class L Family Learning session with parents
- Fri 21st October- final day of this half term
- Mon 24th-Fri 28th October- school closed for half term
- Mon 31st October- INSET day (school closed to pupils)
- Wed 2nd November, 2pm-3.10pm- Class E Family Learning session with parents NEW DATE
- Mon 7th November- additional swimming sessions for Classes L and S (because of missed session on 19th September)
- Mon 14th November, 2pm-3.10pm- Class I Family Learning session with parents
Our Family Learning sessions will be linked to the children's topics and will be lots and lots of fun. We hope to see as many parents (grandparents for Class D) here for the sessions. The opportunity to work with their parents in school is invaluable to the children.
Our E-Safety Workshop are for parents to find out about how to ensure that your children are safe when using technology. They are being delivered by an expert in the field who is coming into school especially. If you would like to attend, please use the link below to complete a brief form to let us know.
We look forward to seeing you at our events. if you have any questions, please feel free to speak to classteachers at the start or end of day, see myself or Mrs Wallis on the playground, email to or call us on 01384818305.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Praise Assemblies Friday 23rd September 2022 onwards
It has been such a long time since we were able to have parents in school for celebratory assemblies, or indeed since we were able to have whole school assemblies at all. Now we are finally able to do this, we have decided to make some changes.
Instead of our pre-pandemic monthly Open House Assemblies, we will now be having weekly Praise Assemblies. Each week teachers from each class from Reception to Year 6 will award 'Student of the Week' to one child from the group. If your child has won this special award, you will receive a text message inviting 2 adults to attend the Praise Assembly where their award is given out and their achievements are celebrated. Because of increased numbers of pupils on-roll, we can no longer accommodate the number of parents who attended Open House Assemblies. However having weekly assemblies with invited parents means we are able to celebrate the achievements of many more pupils across the academic year.
We will, of course, continue to celebrate Planet Points, Behaviour Badges and achievements outside of school in these assemblies. If your child would like to bring in awards from outside school, please send them in with your child on a Friday morning.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Gemma Anderson
Queen Elizabeth II
Following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, we have now been informed that her State funeral will be held on Monday 19th September and that this has been declared as a Bank Holiday. As such the DfE has stated that all schools will be closed on that specific day. School will be open as normal until then and again from Tuesday 20th September.
We have made the decision to postpone our very first Praise Assembly with invited parents- it felt inappropriate to hold a celebratory event of this nature during the national period of mourning. Further information on these assemblies will follow in a separate message. Parental Phonics Workshops will go ahead as planned.
This week each class (D to S) will be spend assembly times working collectively to create and write cards of condolence, each class selecting their favourite image of Queen Elizabeth II and writing a class message explaining how important she has been. On Friday we will be posting these 7 cards to Buckingham Palace.
Gemma Anderson
Family Learning Workshops: Phonics
As you know from our calendar of events, we are holding Family Learning Workshops, with a Phonics focus. This is a valuable opportunity to work alongside your child and gain an insight into how early reading is taught at our school, in order for you to use the same strategies when reading at home. It is through working together that we give our children the best chance to become skilled readers!
If you would like to attend this event please drop your children off as normal and then come round to the main school entrance to sign in.
These events are on:
Wednesday 14th September for class D (Reception)
Thursday 15th September for classes I and N (Years 1 and 2)
We look forward to seeing you and I'm sure the children will be excited to work with you!
Gemma Anderson
PE days
PE days for this half term are shown below. Children need to come into the school in the PE kits.
Class D (Reception): Tuesdays
Class I (Year 1): Tuesdays and Thursdays
Class N (Year 2): Wednesdays and Thursdays
Class G (Year 3): Mondays and Wednesdays
Class L (Year 4): Thursdays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in on Mondays.)
Class E (Year 5): Wednesdays and Fridays
Class S (Year 6): Fridays (Swimming kit needs to be brought in on Mondays.)
PE days will start on Monday 12th September, with the exception of Year 5 who will have their first session on Friday 9th September.
Please ensure correct PE kit is worn. If you wish for your child to wear a long sleeved top with their kit, this must be a plain black hoodie or sweatshirt.
Gemma Anderson
The new school year
Hello everyone. The staff team are back at work today and are very much looking forward to the children returning on Wednesday 7th September.
Please remember that the window for drop offs is 8.40-8.50 and collection at the end of the day is 3.10-3.20, with children coming in and out of their external class door, apart from year 6 who use the Upper School corridor entrance. If your child is in year 5 or 6, you will receive a letter on Wednesday about giving permission for your child to work to or from school alone. If you wish for your year 5 or 6 child to be dismissed alone on Wednesday, please us on to let us know. Any years 5 and 6 pupils will permission to walk to or from school alone will now use their normal class entrance, rather than the main entrance, from this point forward. All other children must be accompanied by an adult and will not be dismissed alone.
Many of you are aware that last year we ran a number of before-school intervention groups. These are being planned as part of tomorrow's INSET day and letters will be sent home to invited children, who we feel will benefit, later this week. These clubs will not start until Monday 12th September.
If you would like to book Breakfast or After School Club, we will continue to do this online, via School Money. School lunches will also need to be booked using this system. A text message will be sent out when this is live.
Children will continue to come to school in PE kit for PE days. A text message will be sent to you this week to confirm these days and PE lessons will start the week beginning Monday 12th September.
A quick reminder that any emails from parents to school must be sent to (as stated in the Communications Policy shared with parents last term) as this is the email address most frequently accessed. Emails from parents to other school email addresses will not be responded to unless there are periods of enforced school closure and remote learning- if this is ever the case, parents will be notified.
I hope that you enjoy the next couple of days with your lovely children- we are really excited to see them on Wednesday morning.
Gemma Anderson
Parents' Evening Appointments: Classes D to S
Parents' Evening is being held on Wednesday 20th July. The form for requesting appointments was removed at midday on Monday 18th July; parents were made aware that this would be the case.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Weather predictions Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July 2022
What lovely burst of Summer we've been having! I hope that everyone has been enjoying the sunshine. Typically, it isn't predicted to last much longer!
You will no doubt have seen that the Met Office have issued weather warnings for the coming Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Precautions are in place to keep the children as comfortable as possible in school. These will include:
- Avoiding PE lessons after 11.00am
- Reducing morning playtimes and lunchtimes outside
- Encouraging children to drink more water throughout the day
- Keeping classrooms as cool as possible
- Breaking the day into shorter lessons with movement breaks and periods sitting outside in the shade
Please send your child in to school with suncream already applied and a sun hat. Most of our children are already wearing their summer uniforms and are keeping cool. On Monday and Tuesday, if your child does not have school uniform shorts or summer dresses, please feel free to send them in wearing their PE shorts with their school t-shirt. Children are also free to wear sensible sandals on these 2 days if you wish.
Please see the government's 'Beat the Heat' flyer (link shown below) for further information.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Beat the Heat flyer
Dates for the next academic year
Please go to for information on the term dates for the new school year. These have been added to our website calendar.
Please note that school will be closed to pupils on the following dates for INSET.
- Mon 5th September '22
- Tue 6th September '22
- Mon 31st October '22
- Tue 3rd January '23
There is also one more INSET date to be set- this will be shared with you as soon as possible.
Now that we are able to have parents back in school, the following parental workshops have been arranged and further details will come to you in due course:
- E-Safety- all parents invited- 9am, Tue 27th September '22
- Family learning Phonics workshop- class D- 9am, Wed 14th September '22
- Family learning Phonics workshop- classes I and N- 9am, Thu 15th September '22
Gemma Anderson
Staffing updates for September 2022
It is with both excitement and sadness that I am writing to let you all know about some staffing changes for September 2022.
In September 2022 class teachers will be as below.
Current class | New class | New class teacher |
N/A | Class D (Reception) | Miss Jones |
Class D (Reception) | Class I (Year 1) | Miss Potter* |
Class I (Year 1) | Class N (Year 2) | Mrs Miller* |
Class N (Year 2) | Class G (Year 3) | Mrs Thomas and Mrs Danks |
Class G (Year 3) | Class L (Year 4) | Mrs Taylor-Ward |
Class L (Year 4) | Class E (Year 5) | Miss Dwyer |
Class E (Year 5) | Class S (Year 6) | Miss Harris |
*New to the Dingle Community Primary team
Miss Potter and Mrs Miller are both wonderful teachers and will be in school over the next few weeks to meet the children and become familiar with Dingle Community Primary.
You may have noticed that Mrs Wallis (Assistant Head) will not have a class next academic year. This is because our wonderful Deputy Head, Mrs Stephen, has made the decision the pursue a new challenge and has accepted a job working with the Local Authority with an agency that supports provision for SEND pupils across the borough, leaving us at the end of this term. Many of our families, with children with specific needs, will have had the pleasure of working with Mrs Stephen directly and will know how passionate she is about developing practice for children with such challenges. Her new job is a very exciting opportunity to focus on this passion and we know she will have a positive impact on children across Dudley. After 26 years of dedicating her professional life to our school community, Mrs Stephen will be greatly missed; her drive, ambition and love for our children have had a massive impact on literally hundreds and hundreds of pupils, past and present!
To ensure that the children at Dingle Community Primary continue to receive the best education:
- Mrs Wallis is coming out of class to increase her capacity in supporting the day to day leadership of the school, whilst we recruit a replacement Deputy Head.
- Mrs Stephen, both through her new role and through some occasional work, will continue to contact families of children with individual specific needs and communicate with outside agencies for the Autumn Term, again whilst we recruit a new Deputy Head.
I am sure that you will all welcome Mrs Miller and Miss Potter to our team and will wish Mrs Stephen all the very best in her new adventure.
Gemma Anderson
Parent workshop invitation 04.07.22 at 2 p.m.
Is your child feeling anxious about the upcoming move to another class or school? Would you like some additional ideas of the best ways to support your child? Lisa Bushell, our educational mental health practitioner, is hosting a session to inform you of ways to help your child manage their anxieties through this transition. Refreshments will be provided.
Please use the link below to respond if you are interested.
Mrs S Stephen
(Deputy Headteacher)
Classes D, I, N, G, L, E and S Sports Day
The weather report looks promising for Sports Day tomorrow (Wednesday 29th July) so we are quite confident it will go ahead. Should there be a significant change, we will notify you via text. Times are:
Classes D, I and N at 9.30am.
Classes G, L, E and S at 1.30pm.
Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit, including their Planet team coloured t-shirt. Weather dependent, with the joys of the British Summer, please ensure your child has sunscreen on and brings a hat, a water bottle and a jumper/sweatshirt/hoodie.
If you wish to attend please come to the Key Stage 1 gate at the appropriate time and we will open the gates and take you around to the field.
Please note, for Safeguarding reasons parents and children will have allocated areas for the event. Please stay in these and please do not attempt to walk over to your child. There will be chairs out for parents to sit on, though you may wish to bring a camping chair just in case we have a huge turn out!
As always, please feel free to take photos of your children during their events, but please avoid photographing other children. Photographs of other children must not be shared in any way without their parent's permission.
We anticipate that the afternoon Sports Day will finish at approximately 2.50, at which point children will return to class to collect their belongings and will be dismissed at their normal time, through their normal exits. There will be no changes to this unless the event finishes much sooner than expected.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Nut-free school
Please remember that we are a nut-free school. This is because we have a number of children who have severe nut allergies and having nut products in school is incredibly dangerous for them. This does not apply to just peanuts- no nuts, e.g. hazelnuts in Nutella, are allowed in school.
As such, please remember that the following products must not be sent into school:
- Any nuts
- Any food containing nuts
- Any products, such as sunscreen, that contain nuts (Nivea for Kids, for example, contains almond oil)
Please read all product information carefully.
Many thanks for your support in this very important matter.
Gemma Anderson
PE kits days
As you know, we are continuing with PE kits days, with children wearing their PE kit to school rather than changing for the lesson. Where there odd exceptions to this (such as Photograph Days and Non-Uniform Days), you will be sent a text in advance.
In response to parents who have queried why these days change, this is because of the rotation of classes receiving specialist provision (such as Dudley Performing Arts Dance, swimming at Wordsley, Gymnastics with Dudley Gymnastics coaches) and where topics change from outdoor PE to indoor PE and the impact on timetabling the use of our hall.
After Easter, PE days will be:
- Class D (Reception): Thursday and Friday
- Class I (Year 1): Tuesday and Friday
- Class N (Year 2): Thursday and Friday
- Class G (Year 3): Wednesday and Friday
- Class L (Year 4): Wednesday and Thursday (Please note children will also need to bring swimming kit in on Thursdays 7th and 14th July.)
- Class E (Year 5): Tuesday and Thursday
- Class S (Year 6): Tuesday and Friday
PE uniform must be adhered to. This is:
- Plain t shirt of the colour of your child’s planet team. (Embroidered ones are available at Totally Uniform but are not required.)
- Black shorts (black leggings or jogging bottoms may be worn during cold weather)
- PE pumps or trainers
- A plain black hoodie or sweatshirt, if you wish for your child to wear long sleeves on PE days.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Jubilee Picnic Party: Thursday 26th May
At the moment the weather is looking promising for Thursday and we are optimistic that our Jubilee celebrations will be outside and that, therefore, parents will be able to come and join us! If anything changes, we will let you know via text!
Things you need to know and a few reminders about Thursday's celebrations:
- Parents are invited to join us at 1.30pm- please come to the key stage 1 gate like you normally would at the start and end of the day.
- The children will be making a little bit of food themselves and all children will be provided with a few snacks. You may want to bring some nibbles yourselves!
- We will be selling ice lollies, with all finds raised going to the DPP. These will be 50p each. If you are not joining us but would like your child to buy an ice lolly, please send them in with their 50p on Thursday morning.
- If you are joining us, please bring a picnic blanket and/or chairs.
- When parents arrive, we'll go round to the playground for a brief performance. The children will then go to their classrooms to collect their food. You will then be able to collect your children from their normal class doors to take them to the field for the picnic.
- We have asked for the children to dress in red, white and blue that day. As part of our New Challenges Week the children have all tie dyed their own t shirts for the occasion! These are coming home and should not need to be washed, but you may wish to do so to make sure all excess dye has gone and/or if your child is sensitive to particular laundry products.
Fingers crossed the weather prediction continues to say Thursday afternoon will be dry! We are having the loveliest week here for New Challenges Week and our Jubilee Picnic Party would be an awesome way to finish it off!
Gemma Anderson
Dates for the diary
Please remember to send children into school wearing comfortable clothing they can do physical activity in all week next week, for New Challenges. It is going to be a really exciting week!
For the visits to the Red House Glass Cone please remember that your child will need to either bring a packed lunch with them or order a grab bag via School Money. (Please remember that lunch orders for next week close at 4pm today.)
We are optimistic that our Jubilee Celebration Picnic will be able to go ahead, providing the weather predictions don't change! If you are planning on coming, please come to the school gate (Key Stage 1) at 1.30pm, armed with a picnic blanket and/or chairs and children will be brought to you on the field. You may want to bring a few picnic snacks with you too! We will text throughout next week with updates on whether or not this is likely to go ahead.
Here are a few diary date reminders and dates for events planned for next half term:
Week beginning 23rd May: New Challenges Week
- Mon 23rd May: Classes I and N visiting the Red House Glass Cone
- Tue 24th May: Classes G and L visiting the Red House Glass Cone
- Wed 25th May: Classes E and S visiting the Red House Glass Cone
- Thu 26th May, 1.30pm: Jubilee Picnic Party
- Fri 27th May: school closed to pupils (INSET day)
- Mon 30th May- Fri 3rd June: school closed (Whitsun Half Term break)
- Mon 6th June: children return to school as normal
- Mon 20th June, am: photographer in for class photos
- Wed 29th June: Sports Day (Classes D, I and N at 9.30am, Classes G, L, E and S at 1.30pm)
- Wed 13th July: classes D to S reports out to parents
- Tue 19th July: Meet Your New Teacher morning
- Tue 19th July, 2.15pm: Rock Steady performance
- Wed 20th July, am: Year 6 performance and Leavers' Assembly- time TBC
- Wed 20th July: Parents' Evening
- Thu 21st July: Last day of term
Many thanks. Any questions please speak to me on the playground at the start of the day or contact using school's phone number (01384818305) or email address (
Gemma Anderson
Year 1 dance performance
As class I's dance unit comes to an end, parents of this class are invited in to see a short performance at 9.45 on Friday 20th May. This is limited to 2 adults per child. If you wish to attend, please come to the main school entrance.
New Challenges Week (beginning Monday 23rd May)
From Monday 23rd May to Thursday 26th May all of our children will be participating in New Challenges Week, dedicated to children learning completely new skills, focussing on the emotions this evokes and on building resilience and independence.
During the week they will take part in all sorts from learning the alphabet in British Sign Language, to running a mile, to cooking something, to accessing an inflatable assault course (Ducks to class N) or a climbing wall (classes G to S).
Classes I to S will also be going to the Red House Glass Cone, to learn the art of glass fusing. The children will walk and this visit falls under those allowed with your child's 'Annual Consent Form'. On the day of their visit they will either need to bring a packed lunch or order a grab bag via the School Money online ordering service. These visits will be:
Classes I and N on Monday 23rd May
Classes G and L on Tuesday 24th May
Classes E and S on Wednesday 25th May
Throughout the week the children will need to come to school in clothes that are appropriate for physical activity- this does not need to be PE kit! Just make sure they are comfortable with movement and are wearing appropriate footwear. (Please note class L will be going swimming as planned.)
Thursday 26th May will be a red, white and blue themed non-uniform day. But please do not go to any trouble for this. The children will be learning the art of tie dyeing during the week and making their own t shirt for the occasion which will come home on the Wednesday afternoon.
At 1.30pm on Thursday 26th May we will be holding a Jubilee Party- the children will wear the t shirts they have made, sing the songs they have learnt, munch on the food they have prepared and adorn the school with the decorations they have made. Weather permitting, this will be outside and parents will be invited to attend the picnic party with their child. We have everything crossed and will keep you updated about whether this can go ahead!
We would very much appreciate volunteers to help with our Jubilee Party and if anyone can do a load of washing on the Monday or Tuesday night, to help set the tie dyed t shirts, I would also be very grateful. If you can help with either job, please call or email the school office.
Please remember that school is closed to pupils on Friday 27th May for an INSET day.
If anyone has any questions about New Challenges Week, please don't hesitate to come and speak to me on the playground at the start of the school day or contact the school office. It should be a superb week!
Gemma Anderson
Communication between parents and school
Thank you so much to all of the parents who were able to attend our pop-in sessions last week- there was a lovely atmosphere in school, the children were brimming with pride, showing off their work, and it was an absolute joy to have adults back in the building, celebrating the achievements of the wonderful children of Dingle Community Primary.
Like I said before Easter, now that we are coming out of the pandemic and COVID restrictions have eased, it is important that we return to in person communication, as much as possible, so that we can work effectively together for the best of the children. Please feel free to talk to staff for brief conversations at the start or end of the school day- staff will be doing the same- and contact school to arrange meetings where lengthier conversations are needed.
Obviously communication changed significantly during the lockdowns, to support remote learning. There are elements of this that will remain in place, and some procedures that will return to pre-COVID! To help ensure that everyone is clear on how communication will occur, a Communications Policy has been written and has been discussed and agreed by our Governing Body; this is posted below. It outlines the different communication strategies that can be used and response times for these. Class emails are no longer in use and all email correspondence must come through the inbox from now on.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. As you know, we have returned to a member of Senior Leadership (either myself, Mrs Stephen or Mrs Wallis) being on the playground at the start of each school day, so please feel free to come and see us, or feel free to call or email the email address above.
Gemma Anderson
Communications Policy
Home/school communication
As life continues to slowly but surely return to normal, we as a school are constantly reviewing our practices. Open home/school communication is key to working together for the best for the children and we need to return to pre-pandemic practices with parents in school, celebrating our children's achievements and working together to support them through their challenges.
As such:
- Face to face conversations between teachers and parents are now encouraged.
- If either parents or staff need to briefly pass on information at the end or start of the school day, both people are now welcome to approach the other.
- If a longer discussion is needed or it is not a convenient time, both parents and staff can, of course, say this and an appointment will be made via telephone call or email with the school office.
- The class email accounts will no longer be used- these will be closed at the end of term.
- From Monday 4th April we will return to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (Mrs Anderson, Mrs Stephen or Mrs Wallis) being available to talk to on the playground at the start of each day.
- Seesaw will, moving forward, only be used to share homework and any work that teachers or parents wish to celebrate, or to support the occasions where remote learning has to take place.
We are also very aware that it has been a long time since we had to start restricting parents coming into school. Again, this is going to slowly start to change but we must be cautious with this. We have already started to bring parents in for performances, with restrictions to keep everyone safe. Our next step is to enable you to come and see your child's work- it has been such a long time since this has been able to happen!
So, we have arrange sessions for years 1-6 parents to be able to come into school to look at books with your children and for class D to have a drop in session.
If parents from years 1-6 would like to come in and books with children, please come to the main entrance for your time below and you will be taken through to the hall, so that people have space to socially distance if they wish:
- Years 1 and 2: Wednesday 27th April, 9.00-9.45
- Years 3 and 4: Wednesday 27th April, 2.15-3.00
- Years 5 and 6: Thursday 28th April, 9.00-9.45
Reception parents, if you wish to come to the pop in session, please go to the normal start of day entrance at 2.15 on Thursday 28th April.
We shall not be returning to sending paper newsletters home- parental feedback has been positive about being able to return to this section of the website to check correspondence whereas paper letters often go missing! However, now that things are more settled, we will be returning to sharing dates of any events half term at a time. These will be posted to the website and a link sent by text message. Keep your eyes peeled for notification of the Summer 1 dates!
Thank you for your continued support- it is only by working together that we can do the very best for our wonderful children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Gemma Anderson
Events in the coming week and Easter celebrations
Tickets will be on sale, from Monday 4th April to Thursday 7th April, for our annual DPP Easter Egg raffle. The number of Easter egg prizes is huge and there are some vegan-friendly, lactose free prizes for children with dietary requirements. If you wish for your child to purchase any tickets, please send money into class with them. Tickets will be 20p each and the raffle draw will take place on Friday 8th April.
All children, from Dingle Ducks up to year 6, are invited to participate in our egg decorating competition! If you would like you child to participate, please send their decorated eggs into school with them on Wednesday 6th April- they will be on display in the hall so that all of the children across school will be able to see the entries and the winners will be announced on Friday 8th April, in an assembly via Teams so that the whole school can celebrate with them. Please make sure that any entries to the competition are labelled with your child's name and class.
On Tuesday 5th April our Rock Steady children will be performing! Parents of the Rock Steady children are invited to come into school at 2.30pm- this will be limited to 2 adults per child and we encourage parents to take Lateral Flow Tests prior to this and refrain from attending if they have a positive result. All years 5 and 6 pupils will see the 2.30pm performance and years 3 and 4 will see their rehearsal earlier in the afternoon.
Gemma Anderson
Dog fouling near school
As you may be aware, we have had an issue with irresponsible dog owners not cleaning up after their dogs in our local area, despite signs displayed and the dog waste bin outside our school. Please be aware that:
- Following this issue being raised, we have been visited today by a Local Authority representative who has stated that further signs are being erected.
- The fine for not cleaning up dog mess is currently £75- fines have been issued and the council will continue to issue these.
Obviously we ask all dog owners to be responsible and for all members of our school community to encourage others to do the same.
Gemma Anderson
Forwarded by request of the Local Authority Team:
To ALL PARENTS & CARERS: sparkle and shine with these amazing FREE (funded) anonymous, evidence based, online courses for all!
1. Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby (antenatal)
2. Understanding your baby (postnatal)
3a. Understanding your child (0-19+ yrs, main course)
3b. Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19+ yrs, main course)
4. Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)
5. Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
6. Understanding your child’s feelings (a taster course)
7. Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing (accompanies 3a and/or 3b)
8. Understanding your relationships (coming soon!)
Additional information can be found in the leaflet posted below.
Free courses for parents and carers!
The current situation in Ukraine is obviously very much in the minds of adults at the moment, but some of your young people may also be aware of the conflict and may want to talk about it.
In school all staff have been given the advice from Save the Children on how best to discuss this with young people and we are following this in order to help overcome anxieties around this situation. A link to this has been shared below as you may find the support useful if you and your children are discussing this at home.
Should you, as a family, wish to make donations of items needed or money, please use the link below to the Express and Star who have details of ways to do both.
Gemma Anderson
Red Nose Day- Friday 18th March 2022
This year's suggested Primary School theme is 'Superheroes'.
With this in mind, this year, in support of Red Nose Day, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 18th March, asking all participating children to bring in a donation of a silver coin. We are asking children to dress as one of their heroes. This could be:
- A superhero character
- A superhero of their own creation
- A personal hero (such as their favourite footballer, a relative they admire, an artist they are inspired by... the list could be endless!)
- As a profession they see as heroes. (They could be a vet, a fire fighter, a carer... again the list could be endless)
If your child's class has PE that day, we don't want them to miss out on paying tribute to their hero, so send them in with their kit in a bag to change into on the day.
All children will participate in other fun activities during the day and all monetary donations will go to Comic Relief.
Thanks, in advance, for your support of our charity day.
Gemma Anderson
Year 6 Parents' Meeting
At 2.30pm on Tuesday 8th March, we are holding a meeting with parents of class S to discuss SATs and the Pioneer visit.
This meeting will be held in the Community Room and attendance is limited to 1 parent per child.
Please come to the main entrance to be let into the meeting.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Where has this half term gone???
Spring 1 has been both a wonderful and incredibly challenging half term. Christmas seems like a very distant memory! The children and staff have worked hard throughout January and February and I am sure that everyone is looking forward to some well-deserved chill time next week! As we are so close to half term, I thought it would be worth contacting you all about a few things.
Please remember that school is closed this Friday (18th Feb) for INSET. The children will return to school as normal on Monday 28th February.
It is World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. This year there will be lots of arts and crafts going on during the day, some of which include using fabric paint. Because of this we are asking children to come to school in non-uniform, wearing clothes that you don't mind getting paint and the such on!! We would also like to invite children to bring their favourite book in with them.
Please be aware that class email addresses and Seesaw accounts will not be being checked by teachers during the half term break. If you have anything that needs to be shared with school, including any positive COVID-19 results, please email as this email account will be checked periodically.
Gemma Anderson
Year 2 African Drumming Day: FAO year 2 parents
As you are aware, the children in class N are participating in an exciting day on music on Thursday. As was stated on the letter that came home, this day will end with a performance for parents; you were told COVID measures would be shared in due course.
As such, in line with and local authority guidance:
- The performance will begin shortly after 2.30. Please come to the main door at 2.30 for entrance.
- Numbers are restricted to 1 parent per child.
- Parents who are attending are encouraged to take a Lateral Flow Test that day and not come to school if it is positive.
- Parents are asked to wear masks when in the school building, unless you are medically exempt and have informed school in advance.
- Parents are asked to maintain social distancing at all times.
Many thanks.
Gemma Anderson
Parents' Evenings Spring 2022, Reception to year 6
Parents' Evening consultations will, because of the continued challenges of the pandemic, be via telephone. These will be during the week beginning Monday 14th February. The electronic forms for requesting appointments have now been closed.
You will receive mid-point reports on Friday 11th February- these will be sent home with the children.
Gemma Anderson
Forwarded on behalf of the Local Authority; information on a Dudley OFSTED visit, specifically on SEND
For the attention of parents of Class L
For the attention of parents of Class E
Updated information for previously contacted classes re isolation periods 19.1.22
For the attention of parents of Dingle Ducks
For the attention of parents of Class S
For the attention of parents of Key Stage 1 (classes I and N)
For the attention of parents of Class D
For the attention of parents of class D
For the attention of parents of class G
Carols on the playground: years 3, 4, 5 and 6
If you are attending today's Carols on the Playground, please read the following COVID-19 measures:
- I would ask adults attending to carry out Lateral Flow Tests before attending and not come to school if there is a positive result.
- As you will be in proximity of others for longer than normal, I encourage parents to wear masks whilst on the playground this afternoon.
- Social distancing from people in other households must be adhered to whilst on the playground.
- Chairs will placed as barriers on the playground to set up a zone for year 5/6 parents (closest to the field) and year 3/4 parents (closest to the school building)- You must remain in these zones.
- The children will be taken back to classes to collect their belongings and to be dismissed at the end of the day.
- Once the children return to classes year 3/4 parents will be asked to move to outside the relevant classes and then the year 5/6 parents.
- Please feel free to take photos and videos of your own child during the performance. Please be mindful of not blocking the view of people behind you. If any other children are visible in photos of videos, these must not be shared with other people without permission of the children's parents.
Many thanks! I hope that you enjoy the children's singing!
Gemma Anderson
For the attention of parents of pupils in class S
For the attention of parents of pupils in Class E
Nativity Tickets
If you have requested a ticket for the Class D, I and N Nativity, this will come home with your child today. Please remember tickets were allocated as 1 per child ( so 1 ticket for the Wednesday OR 1 ticket for the Thursday).
There are an incredibly small number of spare tickets for the 9am Thursday 9th December performance. These will be issued on a first come first served basis at the office, again only 1 per child. Once this small number of tickets have gone, they're gone!
Gemma Anderson
Christmas Events- update for parents
Thank you for everyone who has supported 'Film Night'. The tickets for this have now all been sold and the link on School Money has been removed. If you have purchased a ticket for this, your child's name is on a list that will be checked off when they get here at 5.30pm on Friday 3rd December- remember to bring your child to the main entrance.
The link to the form for requesting Nativity tickets for classes D, I and N was posted with the last newsletter. Please be aware that this will be removed at 12pm on Thursday 2nd December so any ticket requests must be made before then. Please remember that tickets are very limited because of guidance on COVID-19 and are being allocated as 1 per child, so you must select which performance the adult is attending.
You are now able to purchase tickets to the Christmas Discos via School Money! If your child is in Ducks, Class D, Class I or Class N and is coming to their disco, please feel free to send party clothes in with your child on the day and we will make sure they are changed before the disco starts.
Gemma Anderson
Christmas cards and gifts
As you are aware, we are eager to provide the children with as normal a Christmas experience as possible, but obviously have to consider the pandemic and take measures to keep everyone safe.
With this in mind children will be able to bring Christmas cards into school but these will need to be quarantined before they are given out. If your child would like to bring cards into school they are able to do so on:
- Monday 6th December
- Tuesday 7th December
- Monday 13th December
- Tuesday 14th December
Cards will be kept safe and then distributed at the end of each of the 2 weeks.
Similarly, should you and your child wish to send any gifts into school for any staff, these also have to be quarantined. As such any gifts should be sent into school with your child by Tuesday 14th December at the latest. Please also bear in mind that gifts, whilst always very much appreciated, are never expected.
Many thanks for your continued support in our COVID-19 measures.
Gemma Anderson
Toddler Group: Can you help?
In the run-up to Christmas, if you happen to be having a sort out and have any of the following to get rid of, please donate them to our Dingle Ducklings Toddler Groups. We would massively appreciate any spare:
- Foam play mats
- Duplo
- Board books for toddlers
- Children’s musical instruments
- Toy cars
- Dolls and dolls clothes
- Happyland toys
If you do have any of these items that could do with a second home, please bring them to the main school office.
Many thanks!
What a bargain!
We have received a very kind donation of 50 Frozen advent calendars that contain jewellery and charms for each day, so have decided to sell these, first come first served, for £4.00 each. Similar items are currently available online for between £15 and £20, so this is a real bargain!
All money raised will be added to the DPP funds raised in our run up to Christmas and will be used to benefit the children at Dingle Community Primary School.
If you would like to purchase any of these advent calendars, come to the main office with your money. Once they're gone, they're gone!
Mrs Anderson, on behalf of the Dingle Parent Partnership
PS Please excuse my questionable photography and my reflection in the shiny packaging!
The Dingle Parent Partnership needs you!
Following our DPP meeting on 11th November, we are asking parents if they are able to help out, in any way, with our events in the run up to Christmas. Any help is really appreciated. Even if you are can help out with one or two things, it is always appreciated- you do not need to feel that you need to commit to everything!
If you can volunteer to help out with any of the jobs below, please call the school office or email school at
- Supervising Film Night on 3rd December
- Helping wrap our selection boxes before 10th December
- Helping with selling mince pies and drinks at 2pm on 8th December, 9am on 9th December or 2.30pm on 14th December
- Helping with Wrapping Room on 13th or 15th December
- Supervising the Christmas Discos on 15th or 16th December
- Tidying up after the class parties on 17th December
If you are able to help us with any of these things, please get in touch.
Much appreciated,
Sent on behalf of the DPP
TV, Film and Gaming classifications and guidance
As you have no doubt seen in the media over the past weeks, lots of schools across the country have contacted parents, urging them to be vigilant because of youngsters watching the Netflix series 'Squid Games'. I am aware that a very small number of our pupils have seen parts of this series, which is violent in content.
This series is classified as a '15', which indicates that primary aged pupils, the oldest of which are 11, should not be watching and that the content is inappropriate. I would like to ask parents to be mindful of the age guidance for films, television and video games that children have access to. The websites below are really useful and provide information on how to keep your children safe and reasons that this is so very important.
Parents' Evening appointments November 2021
As you know, we are constantly reviewing our COVID-19 risk reduction measures, in line with government guidance and Local Authority direction- whilst things are returning to normal, we are still facing a pandemic and the restrictions that come with this.
Following direction from the LA, requesting that current control measures remain in place, I have made the decision that Parents' Evening appointments this term will be via telephone. We can't wait to get you into school to see your children's work and we will arrange this as soon as we are able.
The link for the electronic booking forms was removed on Thursday 4th November; parents were notified in advance that this would be the case.
These appointments will be approximately 5 minutes long and will focus primarily on how your child has settled into their new class, the progress they have made so far and their next steps.
Please remember that class email addresses and Seesaw accounts are still live for you to use to communicate with your child's teacher.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
Reading- in school and at home
A message from Miss Harris, English Lead
Reading is a vital skill and it is our aim at Dingle Community Primary School that all children reach a good standard of literacy, as well as developing a love of reading.
There are many ways in which children are heard read by adults at school every day to support and assess their progress.
- In daily guided reading and/or phonics sessions, children have the opportunity to read aloud as well as discuss their understanding of a text.
- Across the curriculum, further opportunities are taken to hear children read within their science, history, geography or RE lessons for example. This ensures children are being exposed to a wide range of age appropriate fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts.
Your child’s reading level is periodically assessed, using Salford Reading tests, Running Reading Records and observations by school staff, to ensure they are accessing texts at the correct level.
In addition to this, children are supplied with a home reading book and diary where their reading can be recorded.
- Children are rewarded for their reading at home and books and diaries are checked (and books are changed if necessary) on a regular basis.
- Your child may see that some children read parts of their home readers to an adult in school- this is because of individualised provision for specific children and because this may done periodically to help ensure that children's home readers are appropriately challenging.
- It is recommended that you aim to read (and discuss texts) with your child a minimum of three times a week to support their progress.
- It is important that even older children are heard read by an adult to help develop their fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills with more challenging texts.
- If you would like any support with choosing age appropriate texts for your child to read at home, school would be happy to provide you will a suggested reading list for their age group.
100 years of the Poppy Appeal
As this year marks 100 years of the British Legion Poppy Appeal, we will be working together to create a whole school display of poppy art.
To help us with this, please send your child into school with an empty plastic drinks bottle, like a Coca Cola or Pepsi bottle, by Thursday 14th October. It doesn't matter what size- a mixture of large and small will make our collective art look beautiful.
Many thanks,
Gemma Anderson
A message from Rock Steady
Would your child like to play in their very own rock band?
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Rocksteady in-school band lessons are the perfect opportunity for your child to learn new skills, develop friendships and have the time of their life.
Watch this short video to see what learning in a band could do for your child’s well-being:
Parents' Evening telephone consultations
The electronic form requesting appointments is no longer available. Should you want to request an appointment to discuss your child's report, please contact you child's teacher using the class email address.