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Parent Correspondence

After-school clubs for Spring Term 2

If your child would like to sign up to any of our clubs for Spring Term 2, please fill out the corresponding form below. Please ensure you are signing your child up for a club that has been offered to their correct year group. The deadline to sign up is Friday 14th February 2025 9am. If a club fills up before the deadline it will be removed. You will only be contacted if your child does NOT have a space, this will be via our Teachers2Parents text messaging system. If payment is expected for a club, this will be added onto your child's School Money account. 


Newsletter 3rd February 2025


Please find the latest newsletter below that includes some important information!


Ms N. Heather

Acting Headteacher

Newsletter 13th January 2025


Please find the latest newsletter below that includes some important information!


Ms N. Heather

Acting Headteacher

Newsletter 18th December 2024


Please find the latest newsletter below that includes some important information, including PE days for January 2025.


Gemma Anderson


Newsletter 18.12.24 and E Safety information re new devices

After-school clubs for Spring Term 1

If your child would like to sign up to any of our clubs between January and February half term, please fill out the corresponding form below. The deadline to sign up is Thursday 19th December 12pm. If a club fills up before the deadline it will be removed. You will only be contacted if your child does NOT have a space, this will be via our Teachers2Parents text messaging system. If payment is expected for a club, this will be added onto your child's School Money account. 


Kingswinford Library Christmas and New Year activities

Tickets to the Nativity Performances!


This form will be available until Wednesday 11th December at 3:30pm. Up to three tickets per family are available. Please see the options for tickets on the form. If there are any spare tickets after we have allocated bookings, a text message will be sent out and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. 

Thank you for taking your time to complete this form, we look forward to seeing you at our Nativity performances!


Newsletter 2nd December 2024


The latest newsletter is shown below and includes lots of reminders and updates, including on staffing for January 2025.


As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask- email or call 01384818305.


The link for the classes G, L, E and S, about the end of the Carol Service at Holy Trinity, has be re-shared below. If you have already completed this, we still have your information so you do not need to do it again. If you have not yet completed this, please make sure that you do so before 12pm on Friday 6th December.


Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


Newsletter 2.12.24

Newsletter 25th October 2024


The latest newsletter has been shared below, that includes a number of updates for parents. 


As always, if you have any questions, please just ask.


Gemma Anderson


Newsletter 25th October 2024 and information re Reception Sept 2025 applications

Dingle Parent Partnership


Please read the newsletter below, about some of our events, including our Macmillan Coffee Morning this Friday!


Kind Regards,


Reading reward letter

Nut-free school


Please remember that we are a nut-free school. This is because we have a number of children who have severe nut allergies and having nut products in school is incredibly dangerous for them. This does not apply to just peanuts- no nuts, e.g. hazelnuts in Nutella, are allowed in school.


As such, please remember that the following products must not be sent into school:


  • Any nuts
  • Any food containing nuts
  • Any products, such as sunscreen, that contain nuts (Nivea for Kids, for example, contains almond oil)


Please read all product information carefully. 


Many thanks for your support in this very important matter.


Gemma Anderson




Please read the newsletter below which contains some important information for the last few days of term and the start of the new school year.


Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


Parents' Evenings


If you would like to discuss your child's report, please use the links below to book a Parents' Evening appointment. Dates are:

Thu 11th July for class S

Thu 18th July for classes D, I, N, L and E


Unfortunately, due to unavoidable circumstances, Mrs Chavez will not be present for Parents' Evening on 18th July. Because of this, class G Parents' Evening has had to be moved to Wed 17th July. Please use the separate link to book an appointment.


Gemma Anderson





Newsletter 28th June 2024

Please read the newsletter below which has some important information for parents and pupils in it.


Many thanks


Gemma Anderson


Sports Day: 27th June 2024


I just wanted to share a few reminders and important things about how Sports Day will run this year, many of which are linked to safeguarding.


Classes D, I and N Sports Day is at 9.30. All parents must leave the school site after drop off. The Key Stage 2 gate will then be opened at 9.25.


Classes G, L, E and S Sports Day is at 1.30. The Key Stage 2 gate will the opened at 1.25. At the end of the event the children will be taken inside and then dismissed from their normal doors. Children will only be dismissed to adults you have given permission for. Children walking home alone (years 5 and 6 only) will not be dismissed until 3.10 as normal.


Please ensure children are wearing PE kit and have sunscreen on. Please also ensure they bring their water bottle and a hat.


Seats will be set out for parents on the playground side of the track. Children will be sitting on the other side. It is hugely important that you do not try to cross over to the children.


As always, photos and videos must not be shared in any way without permission of the parents of any children in them.


We look forward to seeing you supporting your children at our Sports Day events.


Gemma Anderson


Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)

Newsletter from Mrs Anderson

Please read the newsletter below.


Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


Newsletter from Mrs Anderson: includes future dates and Summer 2 PE days

Please read the newsletter uploaded below. Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


Dingle Village!


As you will have noticed our wonderful, new outdoor area known as the ‘Dingle Village’ is nearing completion. We are reaching out to you today to ask for donations our outdoor classroom. We have several different areas that need accessories, these include, a sand shed, mud kitchen, chalk wall and a shop. Some of the resources and utensils we need are:

  • Dishes, pots and pans,
  • Wooden/ metal spoons,
  • Measuring equipment,
  • Pretend food,
  • Containers to store our resources in,
  • Baskets,
  • Clipboards,
  • Chalk


We appreciate any donations and your generosity will make a significant difference.

Please bring any donations to the school office, thank you.

A quick message...


Thank you very much to parents who have attended our family learning sessions, sharing stories in EYFS and year 6's family learning workshop. Your time being taken to find out more about your child's learning and to celebrate their achievement is really appreciated and we look forward to seeing lots of you at our future sessions, dates for which are on the latest newsletter.


On Friday 19th April all children from Reception up to year 6 will be participating in workshops with Teams Theatre, a local theatre group for your people. Please send all children into school in PE kit that day.


Have a lovely weekend!


Gemma Anderson


E Safety


As we all know technology can be a wonderful thing but can also a great danger to children.


I just wanted to remind everyone that we have arranged a parental session with Mark Wilson at 2.45pm on Thu 2nd May and I urge parents to attend if children have any access to electronic devices including phones, games consoles, computers. The session is very eye opening and highlights some of the significant dangers that our children may face. To attend, please come to the main entrance.


To further support parents, there are some very helpful websites shared below. Please explore these as there are some incredibly useful information and tips.


It is absolutely vital that parents are vigilant about children's use of technology and enable their child to feel comfortable to talk to them about any worries or concerns they might have. Similarly it is our job as parents to help children understand what is and isn't acceptable use of technology so that they know both how to conduct themselves but also recognise when someone else has used technology in an inappropriate way.


We look forward to seeing lots of you here for Mark's session on 2nd May.


Gemma Anderson


Newsletter from Mrs Anderson: Summer term dates and PE days etc included!

Year 1 library visit 12.3.24


Year 1 will be visiting the library on 12th march. Because of their age, we would like to give parents the option to collect them from the library so that they do not need to walk back up the hill! Please use the link below for more information and to let us know what you would like to do.

World Book Day 2024

Riding to school 

A message for parents and carers


Dear parents and carers,


I can't quite believe that we are half way through the academic year! This always makes me reflective and so far there have been some incredible 2023-24 highlights: Bhangra dancing at Diwali, the Reception children walking to the Wheatmill to buy shortbread, our first Scarecrow Festival and Christmas Fayre,  year 6 cooking ration recipes, children representing our school in netball, cross country and rugby competitions, children enjoying weekly Forest School sessions and cooking on open fire, but to name a few!


Below are some diary dates for next half term and beyond. As you can see we've more exciting and memorable events and I can't wait!


Dates for the diary:

  • Mon 19th Feb: Spring 2 starts. School closed to pupils (INSET)
  • Tue 20th Feb: Children to return to school as normal
  • Mon 1st- Thur 21st March: donations for Easter Egg Raffles to be brought into school- if you would like to make a donation of an Easter Egg for our raffle, please send it in to school between these dates.
  • Sat 2nd March: People involved in the Symphony Hall performance to attend rehearsal at Resonance
  • Thur 7th March: World Book Day- children invited to wear their pyjamas/onesies/oodies instead of uniform for our Bedtime Story book sharing day. Please note I have decided that, in the current financial crisis, not to ask for children to wear fancy dress, which has limited impact on children's reading. Instead we will be keeping the focus on sharing stories and the pleasure of reading!
  • Sun 10th March: some of our pupils performing at Symphony Hall, Birmingham
  • Mon 11th- Thu 21st March: Easter Egg Raffles tickets for sale (20p each)- if you would like your child to purchase tickets, please send money into school with them.
  • Mon 18th March: Open the Book in to lead our Easter assembly
  • Tue 19th March, 2.30pm: Rocksteady concert- parents of Rocksteady children will be contacted by them directly.
  • Wed 20th March: Classes G, L, E, S Egg Decorating Competition- if your child would like to decorate an egg, they can bring this into school on this date for our annual competition.
  • Wed 20th March, 9am: Class I and Class N Easter Bonnet Parade- please feel free to make an Easter Bonnet at home for your child to wear for this.
  • Wed 20th March, 2.15pm: Class D and Dingle Ducks Easter Bonnet Parade- please feel free to make an Easter Bonnet at home for your child to wear for this.
  • Thur 21st March, 1.50pm: Year 5 Dance performance- parents invited
  • Fri 22nd March: Easter Egg Raffle draw and the winners of our Egg Decorating Competition will be announced
  • Fri 22nd March: Last day of Spring term- school day to end as normal
  • Mon 8th April: children returning to school as normal for the start of the Summer term


PE and Forest School days Spring 2:


As you know, we have to make slight changes to PE days each half term. This is because of children starting new units and demands on the hall changing and provision like Dudley Performing Arts dance lessons moving to other class. Next half term PE days will be:


  • Class D- Thursdays and Fridays
  • Class I- Tuesdays and Wednesdays
  • Class N- Mondays and Thursdays
  • Class G- Wednesdays
  • Class L- Mondays and Tuesdays
  • Class E- Mondays and Thursdays
  • Class S- Tuesdays and Thursdays


Please remember that your child is expected to wear correct PE kit on their PE days: a plain t shirt of the colour of their planet team, plain black PE bottoms, trainers and, if you wish, a plain black sweatshirt or hoodie.

Next half term year 3 and 4, Nurture and some of the Reception children (who have been contacted) will continue with Forest School, so on Thursdays:


  • Year 3, the Nurture group and the small number of Reception pupils should come to school dressed for Forest School and bring their uniform to change into.
  • Year 4 should wear uniform and bring their Forest School things to change into.


On World Book Day, PE and Forest School will be going ahead but children should not miss out. Send them in in their pyjamas with their PE/Forest School kit in a bag!

Photographs and videos of school events


As we say at the start of every performance that parents are invited into, these moments are precious and, as such, parents are welcome to take videos and photos of their children, as long as this is done in a respectful way and the people around them are considered. Because of safeguarding reasons, videos and photos where anyone other than your child is visible must not be shared (e.g. via Whatsapp or social media) without the consent of the parents of other children that can be seen. Similarly videos or photos with other adults visible (including parents and staff) must not be shared without their consent.


If there are breaches to this, I will have to consider whether we continue to allow parents to take videos or photos as this is an important and sensitive safety matter.


I thank you in advance for your understanding about this and your adherence to the instructions about sharing videos and photos.


Any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to speak to me or Ms. Heather on the playground, email or call 01384818305. Please remember that any emails sent to individual members of staff will not be responded to unless pre-arranged, in line with our Communications Policy.


Have a lovely half term with your children!


Gemma Anderson


MMR vaccination opportunities over the coming half term break


If any children are not fully vaccinated (MMR), please see the document below, with details of places you can take your child for this during the half term break.


Gemma Anderson


MMR Catch-Up opportunities over February Half term

Dear parent/carer,


Please see the below message from Dudley Council Health Protection Team:


You may have seen recent media reports of rising measles cases across the West Midlands and the Black Country. The most effective way to prevent measles infection, and the possible serious complications it can cause, is by having 2 doses of MMR vaccine. 2 doses of MMR provide 99% protection against measles that is lifelong. It also protects against mumps and rubella. It is safe and effective, and a porcine gelatine free vaccine is available, if this is preferred.


The rise in measles cases is due to declining childhood immunisation rates, including the MMR, nationally over the past 10 years. The higher the immunisation rates, the less opportunity there is for measles infection to circulate, which helps to protect those who are vulnerable due to being unable to receive MMR vaccination (including babies under 1 year old, pregnant women if unvaccinated, and the severely immunocompromised).


It is not too late for children and adults to catch up on the MMR vaccine if they haven’t received 2 doses at the recommended ages of 1 year (1st dose) and 3 years and 4 months (2nd dose). Your GP surgery can be contacted to arrange an appointment. If you are unsure whether your child is immunised with 2 doses of MMR vaccine, you can check their ‘red book’, which is their personal health record. Children who have not had any MMR vaccines may have to stay away from school for up to 21 days if they are identified as a close contact of a confirmed measles case.


Please see the NHS webpages on measles and MMR vaccine for more information, and the below link for local pop-up vaccination clinics for MMR: 

Parents' Evening: Classes D to S, Thursday 8th February


If you would like an appointment for Parents' Evening, please use the link below to complete an appointment request form. This link will be available until 3pm on 1st February and appointments sent home on the 2nd February. 


Your child will be bringing home a mid-point report on 29th January. Parents' Evening will be an opportunity to ask any questions you have about this.


We hope to see lots of you at Parents' Evening!


Gemma Anderson



A message for all parents and carers from The High Acres pub


Over the weekend I have been contacted by the management of The High Acres pub and have been asked to inform you all that they will no longer be allowing parents to park on their car park as there have been a number of incidents of inappropriate parking and it was shared that there have been some incidents of rudeness towards the pub staff when parents have been asked to move cars.


Can I please remind all parents and carers to walk to school wherever possible and, should you need to drive, to park safely, legally and respectfully. 


Should anyone see parking that is dangerous or illegal, details of how you can report issues can be found at


Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


A message for parents


Hello everyone and Happy New Year! We've had a wonderful start to 2024 in school and everything has been really calm and lovely! Our EYFS children (Ducks and Class D) have had a particularly brilliant start to the term and we are really proud of them and how grown up they have been- independent and resilient!


Dates for your diaries:


After the longest Autumn term ever, we now have a very very short Spring term! Here are a few dates for your diaries. All term dates for the rest of the school year and the start of next have been included.


  • Mon 22nd Jan: Link for requesting Parents' Evening appointments (classes D to S) will go live and parents will be notified
  • Wed 7th Feb: Year 4 Wordsley Library visit in the afternoon
  • Thu 1st Feb: Year 6 Heights and Weights checks (NHS)
  • Thu 8th Feb: Parents' Evening
  • Fri 9th Feb: Last day of Spring 1 (school ending as normal)
  • Mon 12th-Fri 16th Feb: School closed for half term
  • Mon 19th Feb: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
  • Tue 20th Feb: Children return to school as normal
  • Wed 21st Feb: Year 5 Wordsley Library visit in the afternoon
  • Sat 2nd March: Choir rehearsing at Resonance, for their performance at Symphony Hall
  • Sun 10th March: Choir performing at Symphony Hall!
  • Mon 18th March: Open the Book in school for our Easter assembly
  • Tue 19th March, 2.30pm: Rocksteady concert
  • Fri 22nd March: Last day of Spring 1 (school ending as normal)
  • Mon 25th March- Fri 5th April: School closed for Easter break
  • Mon 8th April: Children return to school as normal for Summer term
  • Mon 6th May: School closed (May Day Bank Holiday)
  • w/b Mon 13th May: Year 6 completing the Key Stage 2 SATs tests
  • Fri 24th May: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
  • Mon 27th- Fri 31st May: School closed for half term
  • Mon 3rd June: Children return to school as normal
  • Mon 22nd July: New Challenges Day- there will be lots of exciting things going on!
  • Tue 23rd July: First day of the Summer break
  • Mon 2nd Sept: First day of the 2024-25 school year
  • Mon 2nd and Tue 3rd Sept: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
  • Wed 4th Sept: Children return to school as normal


School Uniform and PE Kit (Classes D to S)


Can I remind all parents that children are expected to wear full, correct uniform. This is important for lots of reasons, but largely because it promotes unity and equality in our children. This is also important on PE days. Your child should wear a plain t shirt of the colour of their planet team, plain black PE bottoms, a plain black sweatshirt or hoodie if you wish them to and trainers of pumps. 


If a child is attending an activity after school and wear special clothes for this, they must be brought into school to change in to. This means they are expected to wear correct uniform/PE kit on PE days for the actual school day.


The only days children are allowed to wear non-uniform are special non-uniform days and their birthdays.


Just to remind you, if you feel that your child has an individual need that means uniform or PE kit needs to be adjusted for them, you must speak to Ms. Heather as our Inclusion Lead or myself to discuss this.


Reading Challenge


47 pupils managed to read at home 3 times and have their record signed by an adult every week last half term and will be participating in a special treat on Monday afternoon. Well done folks!


Remember we are asking for children to read at least 3 times for a short period of time and for an adult to sign their reading records to acknowledge this. The children can read anything they choose and it does not have to be for a long time. 


As a number of you have, please feel free to speak to myself or Ms. Heather if you feel you or your child has a individual need that would need an adjustment to this expectation and we can see what we can do to support. 


Communication with school


Another reminder that parents are always welcome to speak to a member of staff at the start or end of day if they are available, to call school or contact school using From this point on emails sent directly to individual staff email addresses, unless this has been pre-arranged, will not be responded to. This is to ensure that parents use the most frequently checked forms of communication. Our Communications Policy is on our Policies page of our website if you would like to read it.


The Spring term is always very busy and our school has a lovely buzz about it. I look forward to seeing how the children grow and progress over the coming weeks.


Gemma Anderson


The end of this term and the start of next!


Good morning from a very festive Dingle Community Primary! We've reached the end of the longest Autumn term ever and the children (and staff!) are all ready for the Christmas break!


Just a couple of things in preparation for January:


  • School is open as normal on Monday 8th January- we look forward to seeing everyone back at school!


  • PE days for the Spring term, with the children coming into school wearing PE kit are:
  • Class D- Thursdays and Fridays
  • Class I- Tuesdays and Wednesdays
  • Class N- Mondays and Thursdays
  • Class G- Wednesdays
  • Class L- Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Class E- Mondays and Thursdays
  • Class S- Tuesdays and Thursdays


  • Next December, to help the planet and to help families in our community, we are going to have a Nativity Costume Library, so families can borrow costumes rather than buy new ones, and a Pre-Loved Christmas Jumper Sale. Over the Christmas break, if you have costumes and/or festive clothes you know won't get any further use, please put them aside and bring them into school in January.


I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


Gemma Anderson


A message for our community


Hello everyone. I hope that you are all well and that you are enjoying the lovely buzz in the run up to Christmas!


This week will see some lovely events at school:

  • Classes D, I and N will be performing their Nativity for their families on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that tickets have already been distributed and that numbers are strictly limited because of health and safety reasons.
  •  Wrapping Room and Discos will be held this week- parents are aware of whether or not their children are taking part following payments via School Money.
  • Our Rocksteady children will be performing their concert on Tuesday afternoon- we're all so excited! Parents of these children have been contacted directly by Rocksteady.
  • On Friday the children will be having class parties. This will be a non uniform day and please feel free to send your child in with an extra snack, just for them. Please remember we are a nut free school and the children will be having lunch as normal so do not need to bring in masses of food- just a small snack for themselves!
  • School ends as normal on Friday for the start of the Christmas break!


Over the last couple of week, we've been getting into the Christmas swing of things! Open the Book came in to lead an assembly about the story of the birth of Jesus; we are always incredibly grateful of their visits but the Christmas one is always particularly special. We had our Christmas Craft and Reading afternoon and were so pleased to see so many parents here with their children. The community tree in the hall looks wonderful. Our Christmas Fayre was a real success- thank you to those who supported this event- and the children who attended Christmas Film Night had a wonderful time. Most special was the Key Stage 2 Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church which was stunning. The children were a real credit to you and the school and the readers and Choir did a tremendous job. 


I also have some news to share with you. Mrs Pitt, after literally decades of hard work for Dingle Community Primary School, has decided to retire and will be leaving us on Friday. Mrs Pitt, thank you for your dedication to the children of Dingle Community. We wish you well in all of your adventures and look forward to continuing to see you here as a grandparent and member of the the local community. 


For those of you who I do not have the pleasure of crossing paths with in the next few days, have a wonderful Christmas and a splendid start to 2024. We look forward to seeing all of the children here on Monday 8th January as normal. 


Gemma Anderson


Dates for the Diary


Some reminders and a few additions to the dates for your diaries! You will notice that there are some Microsoft Forms that you need to complete to request Nativity tickets, request for your child to be dismissed from the church after our Carol Service, let us know if your child would like to come and sing at the Christmas Fayre and let us know if a parent will be attending our Christmas Craft and Reading afternoon! As a parent myself, I always find it much easier to be organised if I have all the information and any required responses all in one go.


  • Fri 17th Nov: Children in Need Day- This will be a non-uniform day (wearing spots if you like!) with children being asked to bring in a few spare coins to add to our whole school coin trail!
  • Fri 17th Nov, 2.30pm: Year 1 parents invited in to discuss toys with the children, as part of their history work
  • Tue 21st Nov, 2.30pm: Year 6 parents invited in for a performance of their music work
  • Sun 26th Nov: School supporting the Community Centre Christmas Fete
  • Fri 1st Dec: Non uniform day- we are asking for donations for our Sweet Treats and Bottles tombola to be brought in, ready for our Christmas Fayre!
  • Fri 1st Dec, 1.30pm: Parents invited into school for an afternoon of Christmas Craft and Reading with your children- if an adult will be attending please complete the form below by Fri 24th November.
  • Sat 2nd Dec, 10.30-2.30pm: DPP Christmas Fayre. Details have been sent home in a flyer but don't forget to book Santa slots through Eventbrite! If your child (Reception to year 6) would like to sing at the event, at 12pm, please complete the form below by Friday 24th November. 
  • Mon 4th Dec: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
  • Fri 8th Dec, 5pm: our annual DPP Christmas Film Night! Tickets are now on sale via School Money.
  • Wed 13th Dec, 1.30pm: Years 3-6 (Classes G, L, E and S) Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church- parents invited. If you would like for us to dismiss your child from the church at the end, please complete the form below by Wednesday 6th December. 
  • Thu 14th Dec, 1.45pm: Year 1 parents invited in for a performance of their dance work this half term. 
  • Fri 15th Dec: Christmas Clobber Day. To raise money for Save the Children, children are invited to bring in a donation of a silver coin and come to school in festive non-uniform- wear green and red, don a Santa hat, stitch some tinsel to your top... the possibilities are endless! Please feel free to wear a Christmas jumper but it is absolutely no expected that parents spend money on these!
  • Fri 15th Dec: School Christmas Lunch 
  • Fri 15th Dec, 2.30pm: Year 4's guitar performance- parents invited.
  • Mon 18th and Tue 19th Dec: DPP Wrapping Room- this is now available to purchase via School Money. 
  • Tue 19th Dec, 9.30am: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- If you would like to request tickets, please complete the form below by Tuesday 5th December.
  • Tue 19th Dec, 2.30pm: Rocksteady Concert
  • Wed 20th Dec, 2.30pm: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- If you would like to request tickets, please complete the form below by Tuesday 5th December.
  • Thu 21st Dec: Christmas Discos! (3.30-4.30 for Ducks and classes D to N, 4.45-5.45 for classes G to S) Tickets are now on sale via School Money. For the 3.30 disco, children are welcome to bring their party clothes to school, get changed here and go straight in!
  • Fri 22nd Dec: last day of the Autumn Term- children finishing at normal time
  • Mon 8th Jan: Start of the Spring term- children returning to school as normal


Any questions please don't hesitate to ask! We are really looking forward to all of our Christmas events and seeing you there supporting them.


Gemma Anderson






Tickets for Christmas Events


The tickets for the following events are now available to purchase via School Money.


  • Ducks and classes D, I and N Disco, snacks included: Thu 21st Dec, 3.30-4.30. £3 a ticket, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec
  • Classes G, L, E and S Disco, snacks included: Thu 21st Dec, 4.45-5.45. £3 a ticket, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec
  • Christmas Film Night (classes D to S), snacks included: Fri 8th Dec, 5pm-7pm, £3 a ticket. Please note that tickets for this are limited and the film being shown is a PG- purchase of a ticket will be taken as consent for our child to watch a film of this certificate. 
  • Wrapping Room: £3 per item, up to 2 per child, available to buy until Monday 11th Dec. Please note children will visit the Wrapping Room during the week beginning 18th December. Please choose to pay £3 for one gift on £6 for two gifts via School Money if you wish for your child to take part. There are a wide range of gifts for them to choose from, for all ages, and the children will wrap them themselves (with some adult help!)


Any questions, please don't hesitate to call school and ask!


Gemma Anderson


Dingle Parent Partnership (DPP) and Christmas Events


Hello everyone,

As you know we are hold a number of DPP events in the run up to Christmas.

Christmas Fayre: 10.30-2.30 Saturday 2nd December

Christmas Film Night: 5pm-7pm Friday 8th December

Christmas Discos: 3.30-4.30pm (Ducks and classes D, I and N), 4.45-5.45pm (classes G, L, E and S) Thursday 21st December


If anyone is able to come and support these events (for example manning stalls at the fayre or supervising film night/discos), please contact school asap. Lots of the things we would like to do, particularly at the Fayre, are reliant on people to do them!


We will be having a DPP meeting at 9am on Wednesday 15th November to finalise plans for our Christmas events. If you are able to support this, please come along!


Many thanks,


Gemma Anderson


PE days from 6th November 


Hello all,


I hope that the children are having a wonderful half term after their long 8 weeks of hard work!


Because of some changes in PE, for example now that a new class will be working with Dudley performing Arts for Dance, there are some changes to PE days. 


For Autumn 2 the children will need to wear PE kit on:


Class I - Tuesday and Thursday 

Class N – Monday and Tuesday 

Class G - Thursday and Wednesday 

Class L - Tuesday and Thursday 

Class E - Monday and Friday 

Class S – Thursday and Friday 


Many thanks.


Gemma Anderson


Scarecrow Festival: Friday 20th October, 3.30pm-5.30pm


Hello everyone,


Thank you so much for all of the donations made on or non-uniform day last week. Very much appreciated!


We are really looking forward to seeing lots of you at our Scarecrow Festival this Friday! 


  • Instead of an entrance fee, we are asking for people to bring a donation of food (tinned, dried, long use by dates) or toiletries (including baby items) for the Black Country Food Bank.
  • Please bring your child's decorated/carved pumpkin with you if you want them to participate in our Pumpkin Decorating Competition.
  • Looking at the weather, it is highly likely that this will be an indoor event, but the Scarecrow Trail may well be outside- bring a coat and appropriate footwear!
  • On 11th and 12th October, some of our lovely DPP volunteers came in a made Halloween and Autumnal decorations with your children- These have been individually labelled and will be on sale at the Scarecrow Festival.
  • For all other details, please see the flyer that was sent home and was posted below last week!
  • All stalls and activities will be cash only!


We are really excited about this event- scarecrow making is in full swing across school!


Gemma Anderson


Updates and information for parents


Hello everyone!


Firstly just a quick reminder that tomorrow (Friday 13th October) is a non-uniform day and we are asking children to bring in donations of sweets, chocolates and/or bottles for our Scarecrow Festival next Friday (20th).


Reception to Year 6 Parents' Evening: Thursday 26th October

To request an appointment for Parents' Evening, please use the link below and complete the online form. The form will be available until 9am on Thursday 19th October.


Staffing update

I am very very proud to let you know that Mrs Wallis is going to be seconded to the Local Authority School Improvement Team, to support the development of schools across Dudley. This is an amazing opportunity for her and a testament to how brilliant she is! Because of this Mrs Wallis will be leaving us at October half term for the remainder of the school year. We know she is going to be wonderful in her new role and we look forward to her returning to us in the not too distant future.


Year 3 will be taught by a new member of our teaching team, Mrs Chavez, for this period and the children will meet her before Mrs Wallis leaves us.


I am also very pleased to tell you that Mrs Miller has had her baby girl! Congratulations!


School and Community Events

Below you will find flyers for next week's Scarecrow Festival, School's Christmas Fayre and the Community Centre's Christmas Fete, which we are also supporting. We hope to see lots of you at these events!


As always, any questions, just ask. Feel free to speak to me on the playground at the start of the day, to email or call on 01384818305. 


Gemma Anderson





Flu Vaccinations are taking place on Thursday 26th October. Please click on the leaflet below for further information as consent is required.

Dates for the diary

Hello everyone! I'm just writing to remind you of a few events and also share dates for some of our Christmas events. 


  • Mon 9th Oct: school photos (If you wish to have a group photo with a younger sibling, please come to the Community Room at 8.30am.) (If your child has PE that day, ensure they wear normal uniform and bring PE kit in to change into.)
  • Fri 13th Oct: Non-uniform day- children are asked to bring in packaged sweets/chocolates and/or a bottle for our Tombola at our Scarecrow Festival. If your child has PE that day, please make sure they are dressed for sport or they bring PE kit in to change into.
  • Mon 16th Oct: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
  • Fri 20th Oct, 3.30-5.30: DPP Scarecrow Festival: a community event (Flyers have been sent home- we look forward to seeing you there!)
  • Thu 26th Oct: Whole School nasal flu vaccinations. 
  • Thu 26th Oct, 3.30-6.00pm: Parent's Evening for Classes D-S
  • Fri 27th Oct: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
  • Mon 30th Oct- Fri 3rd Nov: School closed (half term)
  • Mon 6th Nov: Children return to school as normal
  • Sun 26th Nov: School supporting the Community Centre Christmas Fete
  • Sat 2nd Dec, 10.30-2.30pm: DPP Christmas Fayre (Further details to follow, but don't forget to book Santa slots through Eventbrite!)
  • Mon 4th Dec: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
  • Wed 13th Dec, 1.30pm: Years 3-6 (Classes G, L, E and S) Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church- parents invited
  • Mon 18th and Tue 19th Dec: DPP Wrapping Room- further details will be sent home later in the term
  • Tue 19th Dec, 9.30am: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- letter re tickets will come home later in term
  • Tue 19th Dec, 2.30pm: Rocksteady Concert
  • Wed 20th Dec, 2.30pm: Class D, I and N Nativity performance- letter re tickets will come home later in term
  • Fri 22nd Dec: last day of the Autumn Term- children finishing at normal time
  • Mon 8th Jan: Start of the Spring term- children returning to school as normal


Further dates will follow, including for Christmas Discos, School Christmas Lunch and class parties.


If anyone is able to volunteer any time to support any of our DPP (Dingle Parent Partnership) events, please email or call on 01384818305. 


Any questions, just ask!


Gemma Anderson


Father Christmas is coming to Dingle Community Primary!


We will be holding a Christmas Fayre here at school on Saturday 2nd December and we're really excited. There will be stalls from various local people, from gift ideas to sweet treats, hot food and games for everyone to enjoy. Details will follow nearer the time!


In the meantime, I know some parents are planning ahead. Father Christmas will be here, in our Forest School are, and tickets are available for you to book to meet him and for your children to get a special gift!


If you are interested please use the link below to book your spaces. These are limited so you may want to act fast!

Information for parents (Reception to Year 6)- September 2023


Hello everyone, 


I hope that you and your children have had a lovely summer break. We are really excited to see the children back in school as normal on Wednesday 6th September.


Please remember that drop off for Reception to Year 6 is 8.40-8.50 and collection is 3.10-3.20.


Uniform and PE Kit


As you are aware, children are expected to wear uniform (grey/black school trousers/skirt/pinafore, black smart school shoes, pale blue/white shirt or polo shirt, royal blue jumper/cardigan/sweatshirt). Tops can be bought from Totally Uniform or My Clothing if you would like them embroidered with the school logo. This is not a requirement- non embroidered tops can be sourced from lots of outlets.


On PE days children are expected to wear PE kit to school. (Appropriate footwear, plain black joggers/leggings/shorts/PE skirt, plain t shirt of the colour of your child's Planet, plain black hoodie or sweatshirt if required) Children should not wear team sportswear or clothing with slogans or logos. 


This half term PE days, beginning on 11th September, are:

Class I: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Class N: Tuesdays and Fridays

Class G: Wednesdays and Thursdays

Class L: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Class E: Mondays and Fridays

Class S: Fridays (and swimming kit to be brought into school on Thursdays)


Class D will have PE days later this term, once settled. Parents will be notified of this.


It is expected that children wear correct uniform and kit at all times. PE days are not non-uniform days. Children are allowed to wear non-uniform on their birthday (or nearest day if they are not at school) and when there is a whole school non-uniform day.


Should you feel that your child has individual needs that require for there to be a reasonable adjustment made to this, you must speak to either myself or our Deputy Head, Ms. Heather. Should anyone be struggling financially with uniform, please contact the school office and we will discussion options with you.


Using School Money


Please remember that school lunches, Breakfast Club and After School Club are to be booked online before 4pm on Fridays for the following school week. Following the summer break these are being left open until 4pm on Tuesday this week. 


Diary dates this term


Below are diary dates for this term. please be aware that others may follow but you will be notified of this asap.


  • Wed 6th Sept: Children in school as normal
  • Fri 15th Sept: first Praise Assembly of the year. Please note these are no at 9am. As last year, children are welcome to bring in certificates and awards from outside school and parents are welcome to attend to see these presented. If your child has won 'Student of the Week' you will be contacted and also invited to attend the assembly.
  • Fri 22nd Sept: Years 5 and 6 workshops (first of 3 weeks) with the charity 'Phase Trust' on Racial Diversity
  • Mon 25th Sept, 2.30pm: Phonics workshop for parents of Class D. You will work with your child and all parents are encouraged to attend.
  • Tue 26th Sept, 2.30pm: Phonics workshop for parents of Class I. You will work with your child and all parents are encouraged to attend.
  • Mon 16th Oct: 'Open the Book' in to lead our assembly
  • Fri 20th Oct, 3.30-5.30: Scarecrow Festival: a community event
  • Thu 26th Oct: whole school nasal flu vaccinations. Parents will be contacted by NHS re this.
  • Fri 27th Oct: School closed to pupils (INSET day)
  • Mon 30th Oct- Fri 3rd Nov: School closed (half term)
  • Mon 6th Nov: Children return to school as normal


Our Scarecrow Festival is a Dingle Parent Partnership (DPP) fundraising event and families are invited to attend with their children. Further details will follow closer to the time. If you are able to give up time to help with the organising of the this or with the event itself, please contact me via We will be having a DPP meeting about this event at 4.30pm on Wed 20th September. If you would like to attend, please, again, contact me via


As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact school on the email above, call on 01384818305 or speak to a member of Senior Leadership on the playground at the start of the school day.  


I look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday!


Gemma Anderson



