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It's coming home...

You may have heard a little rumour that football is coming home!

I have had some very very persuasive requests asking if the children can show their support for Southgate and his squad tomorrow so...


Friday 9th July will be a red, white and blue themed non-uniform day!


If you want to wear your England shirts, do!

If you want to wear red, white and/or blue, do!

If you don't own any of the above, don't worry! You can still wear your own clothes to join in the celebrations!


If your child has PE on Friday and their non-uniform clothes aren't suitable for PE, please get them to bring their PE kit in with them in a bag to change. (If they are wearing something suitable for PE, don't feel the need to do this.)


I really hope that you have a lovely time over the weekend. All together now... 'Three lions on the shirt...'
