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Keeping busy over Whitsun...

We won't be setting home learning over the Whitsun holiday. ('Yay' I hear the children say!!) However, in these challenging times it would be very easy to get bored and lazy, so here's a few things to do!


Going on a DUCK hunt!

As you know, our school logo has a duck in the middle of it. Our smallest children even come to Ducks! So my first challenge for you is to make a big picture of a duck- as bright as you can make it- and put it in a window at the front of your house for everyone to see.


My second challenge is for you to spot as many of the displayed ducks as you can when you are out and about, keeping active, walking or on your bikes or scooters. If you do see a picture of a duck in the window of a house, give the house a wave. It's a sign that one of our Dingle team live there! Me and my little boy will be walking around to see how many we can spot.


Share a book

My next challenge is for you to connect with your friends by recommending a book to them. If you have read a really cracking book over the last few weeks send me an email using the email.


It must be your words, but you may want an adult to help you with writing the email if you are struggling.


Remember to tell me the name of the book, the author and write a paragraph explaining why you would recommend the book to a friend! 


I'll post the recommendations in the 'Children' section of our website.


Other things to keep you busy

Here are some websites that I think are worth a look to give you some ideas of things to do during the week. You might have done some of these things already, but if not, have a go and enjoy!


Have a lovely Whitsun week. I can't wait to see you all!


Mrs Anderson xxx

