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  • Hi hi butterfly!

    Tue 28 May 2024 Mrs Anderson

    Class D! The butterflies have emerged!


    My family and I have been having a lovely time looking after the chrysalises. When we went to look at them this morning, five of the butterflies had emerged!


    I have followed the instructions carefully and they have sliced apple and tissue soaked in sugary water. We have videoed them for you, so that you can see this when we go back to school, and will let you know when and where they have been released.

  • Scarecrow Festival- Frriday 20th October

    Thu 28 Sep 2023 G Anderson

    Please come and support this Dingle Parent Partnership event! All collected food donations will be taken to the Black Country Food Bank.


    We really appreciate your support!

  • Christmas Fayre- stall holders needed!

    Thu 28 Sep 2023 G Anderson

    Do you know anyone who has a business that may like a stall at our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December?


    If you do, please share the flyer below. Please feel free to share it electronically via Whatsapp or social media too!

  • Dingle Community Primary School have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Are you interested in making a difference? If so, consider becoming a Parent Governor!

    Wed 15 Mar 2023 G Anderson

    Why become a Parent Governor?


    Governors have an important part to play in helping schools to run effectively. They work as part of a team with the Headteacher and school staff to help provide a happy, safe and thriving learning environment and an excellent education for all the children.


    As a Parent Governor, you will be well placed to understand parents’ views and have first-hand knowledge of how the school is run. You will have the opportunity to work toward improving the school experience not only for your own child but for children in years to come.


    This voluntary role can be challenging yet extremely rewarding and is a great way to build on your personal and professional skills. You will be supported in the role through a programme of training and mentoring allowing you to use your knowledge and experience to the full extent.


    What will you do?


    You will work with the Governing Body to develop the school’s vision and priorities, review educational performance and make strategic decisions.


    Parent Governors are representative parents rather than representatives of parents. You will not be expected to gather the views of other parents and take them to Governors meetings or to personally become involved in individual concerns.


    You will need to be able to present a balanced and impartial view, based on the benefits for all children.

    You will receive reports from the headteacher and senior leaders and need to be able to question, challenge and support decisions.


    You will also be expected to visit the school as a governor which can be a quite different experience to visiting as a parent!


    What are we looking for?


    The governing body operates a code of conduct which sets an ethos of professionalism and high expectations of governors.  


    We need enthusiastic and committed parents from a variety of backgrounds. You do not need leadership or education experience; just a desire to give back to the school and its community and a proactive approach to becoming involved as a member of a team.


    Next steps:


    If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Gemma Anderson, Headteacher, or Paul Mountford, Chair of Governors, via the school office.


    If you are interested please come to the school office for a nomination form.


    Completed nomination forms need to be returned to school by Wednesday 22nd March 2023.


  • A sign of respect for Queen Elizabeth II

    Sat 17 Sep 2022 G Anderson

    The children at Dingle Community Primary always make me incredibly proud, but this morning, reading what our children have worked on, that feeling was overwhelming.


    Since the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II each class from Reception upwards has been working collaboratively, researching her life and reign, selecting their very favourite images and writing a class message of condolence. The very special cards they have created have been posted to Buckingham Palace, the intention being to allow our children to show the Queen a sign of respect and to celebrate her life. 


    The messages they have written are truly beautiful and I wanted to share them with you. 



  • Mike Wood, MP, visits School Council

    Fri 15 Jul 2022 G Anderson

    On Friday 1st July, our local MP, Mike Wood, can into school to meet our School Council. He and the children talked about the similarities in their jobs and how the were elected democratically to their posts. The children thoroughly enjoyed asking him questions about his role in Parliament and it was a valuable experience to meet a real-life MP!


    Well done School Council!


    Further details can be found on Mike Wood MP's Facebook page!

  • Children in Need 2021

    Wed 17 Nov 2021

    This Friday, 19th November 2021 is Children In Need.

    School Council have chosen that all children should wear their pyjamas and bring a silver coin donation.

    Raffle tickets will also be on sale for Pudsey goodies (prize per class) - tickets cost 50p each.

    Prizes include a Pudsey T-shirt, bags, earmuffs and head bands.

  • It's coming home...

    Thu 08 Jul 2021 Gemma Anderson

    You may have heard a little rumour that football is coming home!

    I have had some very very persuasive requests asking if the children can show their support for Southgate and his squad tomorrow so...


    Friday 9th July will be a red, white and blue themed non-uniform day!


    If you want to wear your England shirts, do!

    If you want to wear red, white and/or blue, do!

    If you don't own any of the above, don't worry! You can still wear your own clothes to join in the celebrations!


    If your child has PE on Friday and their non-uniform clothes aren't suitable for PE, please get them to bring their PE kit in with them in a bag to change. (If they are wearing something suitable for PE, don't feel the need to do this.)


    I really hope that you have a lovely time over the weekend. All together now... 'Three lions on the shirt...'

  • Christmas Raffle

    Wed 16 Dec 2020 Gemma Anderson

    Today we drew our winning raffle tickets for our hampers, flowers and prosecco gift set! All the winners have been contacted about collecting their very special prizes and the children all enjoyed seeing the draw on their big screens in classes. (Mrs Stephen and I felt like game show hosts and were very amused to hear that the children responded when we said hello and announced each winning ticket!)


    Thank you so much to everyone who supported our Dingle Parent Partnership by buying tickets- your support, as always, was very much appreciated!

  • Operation Santa

    Wed 25 Nov 2020 Gemma Anderson

    Thank you so much to everyone for the exceptionally kind donations towards our 'Operation Santa' appeal. The generosity has been overwhelming.


    If anyone would like to make a donation, please do so by Friday as everything is being collected that afternoon. Remember it is our Wear Red non-uniform day on Friday too, with any small change donations also going to the same very worthy cause that will benefit people in our local community.


    Many thanks again. What an amazing effort from Dingle Community Primary!
